Haji goes for Makueni's husband from hell – VIDEO


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The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin Haji called on the police to investigate a captured man in a video that beats a woman in Makueni County [19659004″LeDPPaordonnéàlaDirectiondesenquêtescriminellesd'avoirimmédiatement[the] Suspect arrested and tried, "reads a tweet from the DPP's office released Tuesday.

The 58-second frame video that outraged women's rights crusaders show up. badailant identified as Nzomo raining blows, kicks and slaps on helpless woman.

A small crowd intends to implore Kikamba to rethink his punishment by saying that what he does is wrong and could cause him problems with the authorities

The video that was shared online became viral with those who reacted by condemning the attack and calling the police to arrest the man. [19659004] Makueni Woman Rep Rose Museo and co La Gouve Adel's deputy director, Adelina Mwau, joins thousands of members of the online community and IFAD to condemn the brutality.

"No matter what the woman did to the man.He did not deserve this kind of punishment.The man should be arrested and prosecuted," said Ms. Museo in response to testimony that the Man punished the woman for unfaithfulness.

Those who condemn the incident that Nation confirmed arrived Monday in the village of Iviani also challenged the witnesses heard in the video urging Nzomo to stop the beatings but they did not do anything to help the woman who was beaten without mercy.

DPP Hajji also ordered that those who watched and participated in unacceptable brutality be arrested and brought to justice.

The woman was admitted to the reference hospital of Makueni County where she was taken away by good Samaritans while the abuser described by her neighbors as a dreaded man hid .

In a tweet, IFAD said that she was shocked called the Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinett and the Bureau of the DPP "with immediate effect".

Joseph ole Naipeyan, police commander of Makueni County, said on Wednesday that the police were pursuing the suspect, identified as Daudi Nzomo.

"If you see him or know where he is, please contact us immediately," the chief of police

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