Homa Bay County Prohibits the Use of Newspapers to Pack Meat


The Homa Bay County Health Department banned the use of newspapers in the packaging of food products.

County Health Executive Member Richard Muga
the reasoned journals have inks that contain harmful chemicals that are dangerous
to the human body.

"The ink that is used in newspaper printing has
Conducts the substance and other chemicals that are toxic. They are harmful if they
Muga said.

S Addressing Journalists Thursday in Homa Bay
city, Muga warned residents against the use of printed materials to conclude their

Those likely to be affected by the suspension
include butcher operators, fish merchants and other traders selling mandazis
and chapatis.

Tuesday, the CEC ordered a crackdown on traders
who still use newspapers to pack food products.

Several traders who sold food products protested and
accused the county health officials of the implementation of the order without giving

General Secretary of the Homa Bay Giant Traders Association
Jack Nyambega said the county government has ambushed them with the ban on the use

"It's hard to handle the food business
after the use of the newspaper is outlawed. They should provide an alternative from Nema
had also banned the use of polythene bags, "said Nyambega.

Traders threatened to demonstrate

"Some health workers harbad us during the crackdown. They take advantage of it and take their food," he added.

Muga maintained that public health workers will continue to make impromptu visits to various commercial locations of the county

to enforce the prohibition.

He said he met the merchant leaders and issued a 14-day notice.

"People must abide by the law.When we say that it is bad for them to wrap food products directly with newspapers, we know the negative effect that we have. they have on them, "said Muga


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