How the loan guarantee turned sour


The two signed an agreement in September 2016 and Ms. Ngoiri released her property title for the facility from which she also got Sh1 million to get into business.

This action is now due to him after Mr. Njoroge failed to pay and Ms. Ngoiri's lands valued at 20 million shillings were auctioned off

Muthure's mother of two children in Kabete, county from Kiambu. Njoroge claimed that he had been blacklisted by a credit bureau and needed the money for him to obtain a license, allowing him to borrow 200 million dollars. shillings.

An agreement reached by Macharia, Burugu & Co Advocates shows Ms. Ngoiri granted the privilege to LR No. Muguga / Kanyariri 2981 to use it as collateral for a loan with Opportunity Kenya on September 29, 2016.

Mr. Muturi retained 4 million shillings from the loan and each party had to repay its share of the loan.

Ms. Ngoiri was required to pay a monthly payment of 80,000 shillings to Mr. Muturi, who was then to hand it over to the bank.

"I managed to pay my first installment of 80,000 shillings in the first month, my business started to go wrong and I informed him that I might not be able to put my money back down payment on time, but he promised to repair all the installation and I would pay it later, "said Ms. Ngoiri, who used the Sh1 million.

The bank has now informed her that She had the intention of selling her land to recover her money because only 100,000 shillings were repaid.

"In April of last year, I went to the bank to check on her. he (Muturi) served the loan only to find out that he only paid Sh20,000 because I sent him Sh80,000, "she said.The loan has accumulated to 8.2 Million Sh.

When she contacted Mr. Muturi, he pleaded for financial distress, adding that he had written a letter of promise. e at the institution that he was still going to pay the loan.

The numbers for Mr. Muturi that are indicated in the agreement are not pbaded when the Nation asked for its answer.

However, members of his family tried to prevent the nation from publishing information about the loan agreement.

Ms. Ngoiri received a copy of the letter allegedly written by Omwonyo, Momanyi Gichuki and Company on May 26, 2017, when the figure was Sh $ 6.3 million.

The letter, which promised to pay On the fifth day of each month, a loan in installments of 60,000 shillings was in favor of a Mr. Daniel Kinyanjui Muturi, who, according to Ms. Ngoiri, was not the person with whom she had entered into a agreement

. They said that they had no knowledge of the promise letter and that the loan was now dormant.

Since then, Ms. Ngoiri tried to persuade Mr. Njoroge to repay, but to no avail, as he continued to give him false hope before he stopped picking his appeals earlier this year.

"It is here that I live with my children and if the bank executes its plan, I will become homeless just because I decided to help someone who is going to be homeless. walks freely while I suffer. "

Ms. Ngoiri reported the case to the Kikuyu Police Station and received an OB 21/18/6/2018 number.

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