Hybrid IVF embryos created as part of a desperate attempt to save the Northern White Rhinoceros – Science News


Scientists created white rhinoceros hybrid embryos in the laboratory using frozen spermatozoa from missing northern white rhinos.

Key Points

  • This is the first time that artificial breeding techniques are used to extract rhinoceros eggs
  • Southern white rhino eggs have been combined with frozen spermatozoa from the north of rhinoceros. 19659005] Embryos will be implanted in surrogate mothers
  • There is still a long way to go, but scientists hope this technology could eventually be used to save the Northern White Rhino and other endangered species


There are more than two female white rhinos (Ceratotherium simum cottoni)

The last northern white rhinoceros, Sudan, died earlier this year. 19659009] World Pioneer in Reproductive Science Thomas Hildebrandt has observed the decline of the iconic animal subspecies over the past 20 years.