IEBC sets October 8th date for the Migori Senate by-election


IEBC set October 8 as the date for
Senator Migori's by-election following the death of Ben Oluoch

The commission announced Tuesday that the vote Central of Sakwa North (Siaya) will also take place on that date.

Oluoch died at the MP Shah Hospital in Nairobi on June 19th.

The former presenter Ramogi and KBC surprised his opponents when he won the elections on August 8, 2017 because he had not actively campaigned

Read: Senator Migori Ben Oluoch bravely fought cancer, loved the people – Raila

Three aspirants from the Kuria community expressed interest in taking over Oluoch at the House of the Month 39; August. They are former ODM County president John Magaiwa, journalist
Matiko Bohoko and businessman Solomon Hodo

Hodo came in third position last year while Bohoko failed

There is also a word in the constituency that former governor Ochilo Ayako is running for election as Oluoch's replacement

This followed his decision to withdraw the petition challenging the election of his rival. Okoth Obado. The two reached a truce after Raila negotiated to finish their row.

The deceased's family had asked Raila Odinga, leader of the opposition, to give a direct ticket to his eldest son, Willis.
Willis said: "The Migori people gave my father a five-year period.
Contract. He had a vision to which I am ready to [fulfill]. "

Senators James Orengo (Siaya), Irungu Kang & # 39; ata (Murang & # 39; a)
and Mutula Kilonzo Jnr (Makueni) urged Raila to consider the plea.

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