Ignore the direct appointment of Ayacko, Governor Migori told supporters of ODM :: Kenya


Raila Odinga, leader of the ODM, reconciles political opponents Okoth Obado (right) and Ochillo Ayacko (left) at the burial of the late Senator Ben Oluoch in the village of Kanyimach in the Migori County. (Photo: Denish Ochieng / Standard)

Migori's governor, Zachary Okoth Obado, launched a new ODM controversy after rejecting the direct nomination of his rival Ochillo Ayacko as the party's candidate for the party. partial election of the Senate.

Obado's refusal of Ayacko's direct appointment meant that he had also reneged on a reconciliation pact with the former cabinet minister, negotiated by Raila Odinga party leader at the funeral of Ben Oluoch Okello on 9 July.


ODM chooses Ayacko for Migori headquarters

During the funeral, Raila had Obrado and Ayacko shake hands, as he did with President Uhuru Kenyatta and asked them to reconcile and to work in a team.

Ayacko lost to Obado during the governor's election in 2017. He promised Raila to withdraw an appeal on appeal that he had filed against Obado, but the case was dismissed with costs before being withdrawn.

But Friday, Obado criticized Ayacko's nomination by saying that she was undemocratic and told ODM supporters to ignore the direct nomination and to elect a person of their choice on October 8th.

"We will not allow two or three people to sit in Nairobi and nominate us a candidate, if we allow them, they will do the same in 2022 and they will bring governors, senators and MCAs". 19659009] Stay informed when you travel by subscribing to the SMS service of the standard group. Text the word "NEWS" to 22840.

His feelings are now preparing the ground for a murderous battle for the siege as he is likely to support a candidate to oppose Ayacko.

ODM announced Tuesday that it had settled on Mr. Ayacko after an opinion poll showed that he was the most popular.

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