
Vice President William Ruto urged the investigative agencies in the alleged illegal import of sugar to do extensive work that will inform the next action.
Ruto said the reports of Parliament and the Criminal Investigations Branch will help the government take a decisive step that would protect the interests of Kenyans.
"We do not want investors who bring substandard products that would affect the health of Kenyans, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that quality standards are met wherever goods are needed. are introduced into the country, "he said.
He was accompanied by Senate Speaker Ken Lusaka, Ayub Savula MPs (Lugari), John Waluke (Sirisia), Mwambu Mabonga (Bumula), Benjamin Washiali (East Mumias), Didmus Barasa (Kimilili), Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo) ) and Catherine Wambilianga (Women's Representative, Bungoma).
The DP praised Western leaders for joining behind Jubilee, saying the days of the old politics of tribalism and divisions have long since disappeared.
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"We must be united and work together as leaders in advancing the country's development agenda." We competed last year, but we subsequently shook hands for the good of Kenya. ", did he declare.
He added that no one should prevent other opposition leaders from joining the government and working with him.
"I know that Moses Wetang 's ula is not far from us, even Rep. Wambilianga' s women, and others. It 's because these leaders want us to go from the whole thing, "he said.
Dr. Lusaka said the fight against illegal sugar should be intensified as it kills local industries.
Twitterati takes it from Ruto's allies
The DP also noticed that the contractor was working on the Musikoma-Buyofu road for 50 km, claiming that he was likely to lose the contract to delay the completion of the works. [Raphael Wanjala, Brian Kisanji and Nathan Ochunge]
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