Jeff Koinange's Electricity Bill that left Kenyans to speculate


Kenyans on Twitter are struggling to understand how and why Jeff Koinange's electricity bill for a month rose to tens of thousands of shillings.

The television personality revealed his electricity bill on Sunday Live. Eng. Joseph Njoroge. The two were discussing the dormant wind project in Marsabit County when Koinange deviated and expressed frustration at paying a monthly electricity bill of Sh72, 000.

The anchor of news wondered why Such a power project was inactive however, Njoroge badured Kenyans that it would take them five weeks to streamline operations at the Marsabit Wind Plant.

On Twitter, Kenyans who followed the interview were mostly stunned. Jeff Sh72k's Electricity Bill and took the platform to speculate on what Jeff could do on his farm

Here are some reactions:

Jeff Koinange: Can you badure Kenyans that their electricity bills will decrease? completed?

& # 39; Oh My !! & # 39; That's how much Kenya Power charged @KoinangeJeff last month! #SundayLive

– Citizen TV Kenya (@citizentvkenya) July 29, 2018

lol "Do I run a factory at my house ? " @KoinangeJeff punguza kupiga suti pasi amazing 72k @VickyRubadiri good moderator congratulations #SundayLive

– Timothy Grosso sammy (@GrossoTimothy) on July 29 2018

That's why I do not like rich people! How dare you pay 72K for power only? do you know that this amount can pay all my bills for a year and still save money in my savings account?

– Jonathan Mwaniki (@DktJonathan) July 29, 2018

72k stima ya mwezi moja !! hawa ni Wale wasee walinunua Samantha … Boyshaud alidhani amekwepa bill ya kupeleka slayqueens Kempinski kumbe KemPnLsCi (KPLC) imemngoja. ?? #JeffInTheMorning

– M A I N A.? (@ maina_njoki019) July 30, 2018

Hiyo no salary ya mtu for 3 months huku kwa sol. Mayooo

– samson odhiambo (@ samsonodhiambo2) July 29, 2018

Kwani umeoa mluhya ?? Uka mjengea posho mill Jikoni ?? ?

– The eco-blanket of teens (@eco_cover) July 30, 2018

Jeff wacha welding @koinangeJeff

– Ayman Kibet (@Ayman_kibet July 29, 2018

@KoinangeJeff Kwani unarun poshomill kwako? ??? @KenyaPower are not serious.They even evaluate the amount of electricity consumed without people come check your meter.Bure kabisa.

– Norbert (@AlbaFlamma) July 29, 2018

We are not even able to pay $ 720 for a 5 bedroom house with pool, so its been my AC runs 24/7 in the mornings / afternoons we run washers and dryers, refrigerator and pressers are on all day and night, which in the world the last bill was 122 @KoinangeJeff

– victor og ega (@ ogesh100) July 30, 2018

The sound of "Oh my" consumes on its own a power equivalent to what a candy consumes, Jeff should not complain

– Michael (@WafulaNMichael) July 30, 2018

Even I know a restaurant that uses the power to cook but it does not reach 40k !!!!!! …

– reinhard (@ reinhar94921679) 29 July 2018

must be all things @KoinangeJeff is smookiing

– David Kibe (@wainainamugumia) 29 July 2018

Boss kwani unafanya polarization ya sambaza nini

– stephen adero (@satdevoe) 29 July 2018

Does @KoinangeJeff manage a distribution center of Electricity in his neighborhood? 72k? Myyyy, oooh MYYy! It's a great bill!

– bryan muigai (@FundiMuigai) July 29, 2018

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