Justin Muturi orders an investigation into MPs investigating illegal sugar – Politics – Pulselive.co.ke



The deputies sitting on the joint committee of the Committee on Trade and Investment who investigated the presence of contraband sugar will be the subject of an investigation into the way in which they handled the hearings.

Committee members came to the scene during two major incidents where members were seen exchanging pleasantries with billionaire Jaswant Rai who had been summoned to testify about contraband sugar.

The leader of the National Assembly majority, Aden Duale, has accused embarrbading parliamentarians of openly embracing those who are the subject of an investigation.

This occurred after members of the public became concerned after a photo was taken of several deputies surrounding Rai in search of a handshake.


Sugar baron Jaswant Rai (in a turban) exchanges pleasantries with MPs who were investigating the presence of illegal sugar in the country. MPs were accused of embarrbading parliament by kissing the accused who appeared before them (Courtesy)

" Sittings have become a parade where we can not distinguish witnesses, suspects and deputies." Television hugging, kissing and exchanging jokes with defendants who appear before them, which left a negative impression on the public "said Duale.

The second incident focused on the conduct of deputies during the appearance before the House Committee, CS Fred Matiang & # 39; i, last Thursday.

MK Kieni Kanini Kega, chairman of the Committee on Trade and Investment, was accused of failing to take charge of the joint committee on trade and agriculture which had summoned Matiang & # 39; i.

At a time when the SC was sitting on the witness's desk, MPs repeatedly quarreled with Kega, preventing Matiang's response to legislators' questions.


Kieni MP Kanini Kega, Co-Chair of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the Presence of Illegal Sugar in the Country (Nation)

" He allowed the members to become rowdy, words like suspects looked at each other's hands … How could he, yet there is the possibility that the sugar consumed by millions of Kenyans be toxic? "

" How are you on a committee and become so emotional that you defend a CS as if you were working on its record? Money to change hands so that we can defend these CS "complains John Mbadi, leader of the minority.

The president of the National Assembly, Justin Muturi Muturi, described the misdemeanors' conduct and misdemeanor orderly conduct to determine if there were any compromised committee members.

Muturi also warned that those who received bribes would face disciplinary action, including being removed from the committees.

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