Kenya seeks to boost black rhinoceros population


By Rael Ombuor

Wildlife authorities in Kenya have opened a new sanctuary for black rhinos in Tsavo East National Park. Black rhinos have survived better than other rhinoceros species in recent years, but remain threatened by poachers who kill animals for their horns.

The Kenya Wildlife Service, in collaboration with the World Wide Fund for Nature, has moved eight black rhinos. From Nairobi National Park to Tsavo East National Park

Six more black rhinos from Nakuru National Park are expected to join them.

If all goes well, the new Tsavo East sanctuary will serve as a breeding ground for the black rhinoceros. Ken Wildlife Service spokesman Paul Gathitu says much planning has been done to ensure that rhinos are safe in the new habitat

"There must be enough food, it must to be correct in terms of weather conditions, in terms of available water, all these factors had to be put in place, including even the issue of rhinoceros safety themselves, "said Gathitu." All of this brought together , we felt that the conditions were good. "19659008] Rhino numbers have dropped dramatically in recent years, mainly because of poachers killing animals to satisfy the black market for rhinoceros horn. According to the non-profit organization Save the Rhino, more than 7,200 African rhinos have been lost in the last ten years

On May 3, three black rhinos were found dead with their missing horns in the park national Meru in Kenya. The authorities confirmed that the deaths were due to poaching.

The new Tsavo East rhinoceros sanctuary, with an area of ​​100 square kilometers, is equipped with a solar electric fence designed to prevent poachers from entering the park. rhinos.

"A year and a half later we will check to see if they grew, who has young, who is aunt of whom, and will keep some very individual records of each of these rhinos," said Gathitu. . "They all have a name, are all marked, so that we can identify them individually.We hope that we will be able to build another large population and then contribute to the future construction of other sanctuaries."

Separately, scientists hope to rebuild the northern white rhinoceros species. The last male of the species died in March of this year, and scientists plan to artificially inseminate the remaining two females.

But overall, rhinoceros numbers in Kenya are on the rise. According to the Kenya Wildlife Service, by the end of 2017, Kenya had 1,258 rhinos, including 745 black rhinos

The population has increased steadily since the 1980s, when Kenya had less than 400 animals.

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