Kenya: We Need Bodyguards or Rifles – Baringo MCAs


By Florah Koech

Baringo MCAs Want Government to Provide Body Guards or Firearms Owners

Parish representatives have stated that their safety is not guaranteed. Was not guaranteed after the removal of Silale MCA Nelson Lotela. "You can imagine a situation where one of us is hijacked in broad daylight, showing that none of us are safe in Baringo and, without the noise and the intervention of the leaders of the region, I am afraid the MCA can not be alive today, "said Mochongoi MCA Kipruto Kimosop.


The parish representative condemned the incident and demanded a thorough investigation to establish what happened. "Because the suspects seem to be linked to government agencies, we also ask foreign investigators: at the last badembly, we lost two members including a parliamentary aspirant in similar circumstances," said Kimosop

. justice was yet to be done for the three political leaders who were murdered last year. "Until now, there are no arrests, investigations are not completed and files have just been collected to gather dust in the shelves … This we are asking for answers to find out why the MCA has been removed. "

The parish representative also called for increased security for CAMs in the area. The MCA named Julia Kandie also called for investigations on the removal of the MCA


"We demand the security of the MCM either by providing them with bodyguards or by allowing them to possess weapons "said Kimosop.

Ms. Kandie said that the badbadination of politicians in the region is raising fears among county officials because they are not badured of their safety.

Nelson Lotela, representative of Silale, was abducted Sunday in Nginyang On Sunday 5:30 pm, the MCA was returning from the Chemolingot shopping center when it was intercepted by security agents who ordered him to get off from her vehicle and take her to a living room.


Mr. Lotela's driver, who was with him at the time of the incident, positively identified the vehicle and went to report the case to the Nginyang Police Station.

million. Lo Tela was found Monday morning at a corn plantation in Sobea, Nakuru County nearby, and taken to the health center of Kabarak University.

The incident took place a year after the disappearance of MCA Thomas Minito from Churo / Amaya. found four days later floating in the Odonyo Sabuk River in Machakos County.

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