Kingi, Joho "chicken" and fail to guide us – MP


Kilifi North MP Owen Baya accused Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi and his Mombasa counterpart Hbadan Joho of "failing to provide political leadership" to the region. "Deflated" by taking the area in the right direction.
Baya said the two leaders had "played their security for their own selfish interests".
He spoke to Dabaso on Wednesday.
"They know the right direction for this region, but they do not want to stand up and say that's the way forward.Their main fear has been to lose their popularity once they go contrary to the precepts of the ODM, "said Baya
. "They all want to be in government, but none wants to make it clear that we are working in partnership with a presidential candidate who is likely to win."
Kingi said the region must have bargaining power before looking for a partner.
"There are two ways to be in government, you can be in government by invitation or you can be in government through a partnership, if you are invited you can be expelled at any time, but if you are a partner, the government is falling apart, "he said.
Baya did not agree with Kingi on the political party. do not want to badociate with their own party for fear of losing their dream.
"They also killed the call to a party of the coast but the people of the coast are ready for their own party.The political history of our country is clear and it tells us that all the Famous politicians started at home, "he said.
Baya said that it was time for the region to go out as a team to benefit politically and stop playing safe. ] "We do not need friends to badociate politically.It's time that our leaders stop being cowards because they do not have the courage to say that is where we are heading.They fear that when they do not agree with Raila, no one is elected and that is why they play security, "said the deputy
He said that he had been told that he would lose his political career when he was going against Raila.
"But what is it? they do not know, we are the same ones who taught them how to sing Raila and Tialala and we are the same ones who will teach them to sing another song and it needs courage ", he declared.

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