Kitui allocates "third of the budget" to improve health care for residents


Kitui County spent 2.9 billion shillings – or 30 percent of its budget – on health

Governor Charity Ngilu said yesterday that his administration would focus on the well-being of residents.

is Sh11.7 billion. Sh2.9 billion would be 24.8 percent and 30 percent would result in Sh3.5 billion. She said the funds make Kitui one of the counties that have overtaken the Abuja statement that recommends at least 15%.

In April 2001 African Union Member States pledged in Abuja to improve health outcomes through adequate funding.

Ms. Ngilu stated that quality health care was part of her five-pillar program. It unveiled 322 health workers hired by the County Public Service Board and three Cuban doctors. Staff have been deployed in health facilities across the county.

Health Director Richard Muthoka says that $ 300 million was used to hire staff.

"I am sending you there with my full support and blessings to help me reach my second pillar in the manifesto on which Kitui residents have elected me," Ngilu said. [19659008] "I attach great importance to the health of our people.I must make sure that all systems work properly in the area."

She said that one better workforce will stimulate services, especially in remote areas where people have suffered for many years.

The county chief urged all health workers to serve "with civility and to work diligently to ensure that residents receive the best care. "

The County will store adequate medicines and other medical supplies in its 237 health facilities

" We can not develop or go far as a county if we do not have 3 9, we have no healthy people. I have now seen the professionals who will help me achieve this dream for the people of Kitui. Do what suits your call of duty, "she told health staff.

The county also launched new medical laboratory equipment – X-ray and ECG (electrocardiography), ultrasound and CT scanners – to use Muthoka said the new equipment will improve laboratory services and diagnosis by 40% to 90. He said that 70 million Sh were used to purchase equipment and 400 million Sh for drugs and other products nonpharmaceutical

Governor Ngilu also launched the Polio Vaccination Campaign, which runs from July 11 to 15. She appealed to parents under the age of five to make sure that their children be vaccinated.

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