KNH needs 6 billion shillings for machinery, development


According to ANGELA OKETCH
According to this author

The Kenyatta National Hospital (KHH) needs 6 billion shillings to replace certain equipment and for the development of infrastructure, according to a five-year strategic plan launched Thursday.

The money will be used to build and equip a full-fledged hospital with 300 beds, the construction of 2,000 housing units and conference rooms for medical tourism.

However, the plan does not clearly specify which equipment the hospital will replace among complaints of frequent breakdowns that have eventually denied many Kenyans access to affordable and quality health care.

In January of this year, two main machines broke down, leaving doctors with limited options for diagnosing diseases and treating patients. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner and a laparoscopy machine had been out of order for a year. The washing machine also broke down, forcing the hospital to outsource the laundry services.

The largest public reference facility in the country does not have skin grafting machines. According to the strategic plan of 18.9 billion shillings for the period from 2018 to 2023, the hospital also allocated 2.5 billion shillings for specialized human resources and Sh2. In addition, given the emergence of safety and security concerns, the hospital needs 891 million shillings to strengthen its security and safety measures.

Dr. Thomas Mutie, Acting Director General and anyone else who arrives at the hospital must be badured of safety.

"The money will be used to build a speaker wall, CCTV cameras, train staff and buy equipment. The hospital is determined to resolve its areas of weakness, "said Dr. Mutie.

This decision follows a series of recent incidents that have put the hospital at the center of the hospital. honor, including a controversial surgical operation on February 19, cesarean section on January 26 and allegations of badual abuse of new mothers revealed last month

The country's largest public referral hospital will also carry out automation estimated at 1.5 billion shillings.

"This plan will improve efficiency and service" He said that recognizing the scarcity of resources and competing priorities, the plan identifies new funding initiatives to improve the economy. Operational efficiency. "

"With the help of the government, the internal funding and other sources, we are optimistic about achieving our ultimate goal," he said.

On the # 39, set of 18 billion Sh, the hospital will generate 6 billion shillings., The government grant will give Sh3.8 billion while Sh8 billion will be mobilized resources.

In the first year, the l 39 hospital needs a total of Sh3.7 billion, in the second year, they will spend Sh4.1 billion In fourth and fifth year, the hospital needs 2.7 billion shillings for the plan.

The plan focuses on three thematic areas, each with a strategic outcome whose successful completion will allow the hospital to

Areas include operational excellence which will address the efficient and timely delivery of services and the effective use of resources These, the excellence of clinical outcomes will focus on improving the quality of health care and business growth for financial sustainability. I am pleased to note that KNH has become aware of emerging trends in the sector in the new strategic plan. Some of these trends include the increase in the adoption of traditional and alternative medicine, resistance to available drugs, emerging and re-emerging diseases, recrudescence of noncommunicable diseases; the evolution of technology, the high demand for specialization and sub-specializations and the increased demand for emergency and intensive care services, "said Health Minister Sicily Kariuki

. in providing specialized medical care in East Africa and Central Africa

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