KOT Attack Murkomen, Ruto to take advantage of "nyama" while Kenyans are starving


Kenyans on Twitter attacked Senator Kipchumba Murkomen after thanking MP Kikuyu Kimani Ichung & Wa for treating him and others for meat on weekends.

Photos of People Including Deputy President William Ruto, Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka and Murang & The Women's Representative Sabina Chege was shared on social networks after treatment at Njuguna's restaurant along Waiyaki Way in Nairobi County.

KOT criticized the leader by saying that he was publishing "non-issues" while the public was suffering. a long way to go if that's what a person of your level can post.I am I n weeping, " kelienick's said.

Cleophas Muthama said on The Tangatanga team is hungry for everything, for example food, money, land and power. says it would pray for politicians.

This sentence was born from a remark by President Uhuru Kenyatta about Ruto's numerous tours across the country. Ruto says that this is part of his job as DP and that he does not need anyone's permission to visit and serve Kenyans.

More info Information: [VIDEO] I do not need permission 'tanga tanga', I must serve Kenyans – Ruto

See also: Commentary 39; expert: The Tangatanga team is responsible to Ruto

@ sirngure asked Murkomen if the photos he shared were necessary since many children, including in his county of Elgeyo Marakwet, go to bed hungry.

He says it would have been easier if the majority leader had shared the photos with others on WhatsApp

@ PChelimo & # 39; added: "Really, you have to post them here? Senator, some things are supposed to be private."

Steve Juma called the Murkomen and the others primitive.

"Apparently, Murkomen thinks that by publishing this p In addition, Kenyans will identify with them by consuming similar foods," he tweeted. "This is a very unhealthy diet that does not need publicity, what an unfortunate situation we are."

Moses Omolo wrote: " No worries. nyama (meat) while Kenyans appreciate the smell of the neighborhood In any case, bora uhai (it is better to be alive). "

Dennis Kosgei was also of the opinion that the photos were equivalent to the mockery of Kenyans, "especially those of Marakwet and others who can not afford to put food on their table because of mega corruption in every corner of the country"

"The so-called leaders of today … such a shame", Kosgei says. ]

Politicians went to lunch after a service at the cathedral All Saints.

During the service, Ruto kept the success Meanwhile, a new political song Kikuyu entitled Tutiri thiiri wa mundu (Hatuna deni ya mtu). , Kitaeleweka) enjoys popular popularity in central Kenya

The title of Kimani wa Turacco highlights the strong political debate in Mount Kenya region, rich in voting, about the possible support of Ruto in 2022 for Uhuru in elections of 2013 and 2017.

More information on this topic: The Kikuyu song feeds the debate of Ruto 2022

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