Kuppet blames Moi Girls for rape report


Kuppet was questioned on Friday about the authenticity of the findings that exonerated the teachers of Moi Girls School Nairobi following allegations of rape. Nairobi MCA Cecilia Achieng and Yusuf Hamnza of the Center for Peace and Reconciliation accused the union of teachers of "try to cover their own and defame the minor who claimed to have been raped" last month. The case is still under investigation by the DCI. Achieng said that Kuppet should not distract the public from the case through the findings of what she described as "questionable investigations."

"The ICD has not published an official report on this subject, and there has been no public communication from the Attorney General on the question of whether there is will have criminal guilt for anyone, "said Achieng. But Kuppet Secretary General Akelo Misori said that those who make such statements are also part of the "teacher characters who lynch the teachers". He said that male teachers are not the only males in school and should not be treated like criminals.

Read: IFAD, parents refute Kuppet's report on the rape of Moi Girls

Incident of rape?

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