Liquid Telecom, AfriLabs to launch start-up programs


The Pan-African Telecoms Group Liquid Telecom has partnered with the AfriLabs Network of Innovation Centers to explore new ways to support startups and promote sustainable innovation in Africa.

From digital skills training and accelerator competition workshops, Liquid Telecom and AfriLabs will launch a new series of joint programs designed to accelerate growth in the region's tech startup communities.

As part of a new agreement, Liquid Telecom connectivity to AfriLabs' innovation centers located in its fiber optic, which includes Nairobi Garage in Kenya, BongoHive in Zambia and BUNI in Tanzania .

Liquid Telecom will also provide startups with access to critical development tools by leveraging the Microsoft Azure platform. like the software development platform, GitHub, which was recently acquired by Microsoft.

Leveraging the infrastructure of Liquid Telecom, its network of partners and its presence in the market across Africa, startups will be able to develop and expand their solutions with the help of the Liquid team.

Affiliate members of AfriLabs will also be able to access Liquid Telecom's digital skills training platform, which focuses on the key skills of the 4th Industrial Revolution, such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, machine learning. Game development and cloud computing.

"Liquid Telecom is pbadionate about scaling up startups across Africa.Through our Innovation Partnerships initiative, we have already supported many inspiring startups over the years. the last year, who are using technology to solve African problems, "said Ben Roberts, Liquid Telecom's CTIO Group.

" This new partnership with AfriLabs will really help our initiative move up to the next level – both for Increase Liquid Telecom's profile in the African technology ecosystem and enhance our ability to support start-ups in the region with the resources they need to succeed Anna Ekeledo, AfriLabs' Executive Director, said that the engine of the community of innovation centers of the organization was "a future of abundant jobs for African youth and African technological solutions deve Developed by startups that solve local problems. and global issues. "AfriLabs is pleased to partner with an organization like Liquid Telecom that shares the same pbadion for building Africa's technological and entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing young people with valuable tools like Internet connectivity, cloud services and access to growth opportunities for their businesses, "she said.

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