Mandera baby leaves KNH after brain tumor surgery


A nine-month-old baby who was flown from Mandera to Nairobi for specialized treatment was discharged from Kenyatta National Hospital.

Dakane Mustaab, who was suffering from a conbad extra-cranial tumor, recovered completely.

The last born of a family of nine children was born at home

Emergency Plus Medical Services (E-Plus) facilitated treatment for a cost of Sh2.1 million.

The family had abandoned because of financial constraints.

Read: 10 doctors treat a baby with an exposed brain

"Remember Baby Dakane?" The young child who had a conbad extra-cranial tumor that was transported to Nairobi on March 20 for neurosurgical care? Well, it will be released today after a successful procedure, "read a tweet from Redcross Ambulance

" At Amref Flying Doctors, thank you for performing the Mandera Air Evacuation in Nairobi and having organized a return flight "

Pediatric Anesthesiologist Susan Nabulindo stated that the surgery took two hours.

"There was no major complication except excessive blood loss, but we had enough blood to give her," she said

Mustaab was taken to the unit of intensive care for observation

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