Marsabit students threatened to kill teachers


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Chalbi Boys High School was closed indefinitely after students attacked and wounded six non-local teachers

. He was in the staff room with many of his colleagues at the time and the students only targeted those from outside the county.

The teacher who requested anonymity for security reasons stated that the students were militant and threatened to kill them. We were preparing to go to clbad when they attacked us. The only thing they said was that it was our day to die, "said the professor, adding that his colleagues were wounded while they were trying to escape.

He even poured gasoline on one of us, ready to set him on fire. but they had no source of fire, so we had the opportunity to burn it and burn it, save it, "the professor said. [19659009] The Marsabit County director for education, Milton Nzioka, told reporters that the school had been closed indefinitely after the incident.

Chief Maikona Guyo Isacko told the nation that the students had destroyed property of unknown value. They attacked six non-local teachers by kicking and kicking, hurting two of them gravely.

The teachers, who were working, ran out of school shouting for the help of students in their pursuit.

They found refuge in nearby Maikona Girls Secondary School, but those who could not run fast enough suffered deep cuts in their head and hands.

The students returned to school on seeing a police truck and destroyed property of unknown value. forcing the school management to close the institution indefinitely.

Maikona County Deputy Commissioner Stephen Kavulu said the students had attacked the teachers while they were preparing to begin their clbades.

"There were no arrests because the students saw a police truck approaching and they ran away.The attackers only told the teachers that it was their day. and we have not yet established the reason for the attack, "he said.

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