Mau evictions: Governor goes to court


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Kericho Governor Paul Chepkwony in the Maasai Mau Forest by the Government

Governor Chepkwony on Wednesday Environment and Lands Court in Narok before Justice Mohammed Kullow to oppose the exercise that will see more than 40,000 people kicked out.

Through lawyer Peter Wanyama, Mr Chepkwony claimed that the government is illegally evicting private owners of individual property comprising Reiyo, Enakishomi , Sisiyan, Enoosokon and Nkaroni group ranches.

"The security officers burn houses, livestock, and the rise of the property owners in a brazen display of impunity and high- It is scorched earth eviction, "the petition states."

The settlers say they have title deeds and that the ranches are not gazetted.

The governor l The Secretaries for Lands (Farida Karoney) and Interior (Fred Matiang'i), Narok County Commissioner George Natembeya and the National Land Commission

"In 2008 the government created a huge cutline to a separate group of ranches and the forest where Nyayo Tea estains zones de développement de la forêt. They have planted tea on this forest boundary, "part of the petition reads.

The settlers also filed their petition in court last week.

In 2005 the court stopped the government (civil case No. 644 of 2005).

Mr Chepkwony and the 15 settlers moved to the aftermath of phase one of the eviction from Kosia, Nkoben, Arorwet had been completed.

More than 9,000 have been forced out

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