Mombasa fishermen demand compensation after loss of Kibarani fishing funds to promoters :: Kenya


The Parliamentary Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources highlights the extent of sea restoration by private developers at the Kibarani spill site that threatened the marine ecosystem and the environment, July 30, 2018. The committee suspended work to spread solid waste in the ocean in order to recover the ocean. [Gideon Maundu/Standard]

Hundreds of fishermen in Mombasa County asked President Uhuru Kenyatta and Mombasa Governor Hbadan Joho to make sure they were compensated for the destruction of Kibarani's fishing grounds by fishermen. promoters who killed the mangrove.

"We ask the government to compensate the fishermen for the loss of their livelihood after the destruction of the Kibarani fishing zone by the promoters, and we want the land seized in Kibarani to be returned to the government. of Mombasa County, "said the president of the Wavuvi Association of Kenya, Hamid Omar


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More than 300 fishermen from the Tudor and Shimanzi Beach Management Units called for the immediate pursuit of those who filled Kibarani Creek with trash that smothered the fish breeding area.

Speaking at the Tudor landing site under the auspices of the Wavuvi Association of Kenya (WAK), fishermen also asked the government to retake possession of fourteen sites landing of fish in Mombasa County.

Fishermen want title deeds for Tudor, Shimanzi, Kitanga Juu, Mkupe, Jomvu, Mikindani, Mishomoroni, Mkomani, the old Mombasa market, Nyali, Bamburi, Utange, Mtongwe, Likoni and Timbwani to protect them against thieves.

They also congratulated the parliamentary committee on the environment led by the MP for Mara, Mr. Kareke Mbiuki, who ordered the promoters to stop the restoration of the sea after visiting the site Kibarani, declaring that this measure would save the fishing area. . Text & # 39; NEWS & # 39; at 22840 and still receive verified updates.

WAK President Hamid Omar said the ongoing excavations in the Kibarani region have destroyed the breeding grounds for shrimp, lobsters, skips and other fish species. which has impoverished local fishermen.

Omar called for the immediate demolition of a new bridge over the Kibarani Cbad which he says blocks the free pbadage of fishermen and becomes a deadly trap after claiming the life of a fisherman recently .

Another fisherman, Mr. Hajji Ramadhan, stated that the continued destruction of his fishing area has resulted in a decline in catches, indicating that he was fishing up to 50 kilos a day, but that He is currently receiving only one kilo.

"We are facing starvation by the time developers have invaded Kibarani and destroyed the mangroves and filled the sea with garbage.There are more fish in the area," he said. he lamented.


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M. Hamisi Voya protested against the construction of a building on the Tudor fish landing site, claiming that the area had been reserved for fishermen.

"We are facing threats from all places, including the Kibarani fishing zone and this landing site, and we want the government to compensate us," said Voya.

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