Mudavadi eyes presidency in 2022


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The Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi has said in 2022.

Speaking at the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAG) church on Saturday when he toured Kwale County, Mr Mudavadi said that ANC is consolidating its grbadroots support as it focuses on the 2022 presidential race.

"It's no longer a story. I should be there and you should just support me. "The idea that ANC is a party in Western Europe and everyone should know what we expect in 2022," he said.

Mr Mudavadi was accompanied by Matuga MP Kbadim Tandaza, ANC Secretary-General Barrack Muluka and other ANC MPs.

"Look beyond The greatest opportunity for us is to

"Tandaza said that he was elected to the ANC," he said. Our road to 2022 is clear – it is Mr Mudavadi who has gotten to lead this country and we must start now, "Mr Tandaza said.

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