Mutua pleads for jobs thanks to new laws for industries


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<p><strong>  Maendeleo Chap Chap Party intends to introduce bills to create youth employment in Kenya, Party leader Alfred Mutua said the national and county governments will have to budget and set up factories and office parks in every constituency and neighborhood in Kenya. </p>
<p>  According to Mutua, MCC legislators will submit Legislation at Parliament and County Assemblies 19659005] Bills entitled "Maendeleo Chap Chap Employment Creation Bills" are currently being drafted for tabling </p>
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Unblock news on your mobile when you hear SMS 'NEWS' to 22163 [19659007"Laseulefaecondecreatembadivejobsanddifferenthistoryisindustrialization"saidDrMutuaafterconsultationswithPartnersofthePartiàNairobi"Nousnepouvonspasdépendredesétrangersousimplementdesinvestisseurssortiedelaboîte"

Dr. Mutua says that a factory, industry or office that employs 500 people in a room creates 5,000 additional indirect jobs in the community.

According to Dr. Mutua, if a new manufacturing industry is created in only half of the 1,250 neighborhoods, each creating 500 direct jobs and 5,000 indirect jobs, the country will have created more than 3 million jobs, including young people.

"We are tired of seeing our young people lose hope. This program will create many jobs and change lives. This is the kind of policy needed in Kenya, Mutua added, Mutua plans to highlight this possibility by starting to establish such factories in the Machakos neighborhoods

This proposal is in line with the Uhuru Kenyatta's manufacturing pillar and if approved, unemployment will decline noticeably in Kenya

"Maendeleo Chap Chap will change lives and not play with the minds of unemployed youth," added Mutua. "The time for a real political change is there."

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