MWALIMU ANDREW: Mercury, copper are a way of life here


For those who asked why I did not share with you how Mwisho wa Lami copes with the addition of impurities in common foods like sugar, flour and corn, I have bad news for you: In Mwisho wa Lami, before Matiang's discovered that there was a lot of illegal goods that contained impurities, it was a way of life here .

Milk sold by Lutta, drinks we take at Hitler's, food we buy at the cereal shop, tea we take at the Kasuku hotel, all the business people at Mwisho wa Lami dilute their goods. Allow me, friends and foes, to show you some of the adulterous things we buy in Mwisho wa Lami

Hitler: Any regular visitor to Hitler knows you do not fully trust this man, unless you're stupid. At any time, Lutta always has three versions of her drink. There is the pure substance brewed locally by him and his sons in the forest near the Lukose River. It's clean, pure, and upscale, one that does not cause hangover.

Then there is the second type, cheap imports from neighboring villages. They are quickly made from molbades and although Hitler buys them at a low price, he always sells them at a higher price. Then there is a third version, the one that Hitler dilutes with water – a lot of water!

Thus, you will notice that Hitler serves from different bottles hidden in various places. If you ask him, he will say that he is hiding the police bottles. But he seems to have segmented his customers well.

People like Kwame and Kuya are served with the pure original product; those of us who always drink on credit receive either highly diluted products or molbades. And that's why we have bad hangovers that can only be dealt with when coming back to Hitler to get more!

Juma's hairpin mill and cereal shop: This must be the seat of impurities in Mwisho wa Lami. You see, Juma also runs a grain shop next to his posho mill. Although he has a variety; corn, beans, ndengu, rice, among others – you can only buy them from you if you have a lot of time in your hands.

The last time I bought Juma's ndengu, Fiolina complained bitterly after sorting the ball, she stayed with only half gorogoro from ndengu! If you look carefully, you will notice that there seems to be some construction next to the posho mill, but although the sand and the soil still seem to disappear, there is not a lot of construction. As for where the sand and the soil are going, your estimate is as good as mine.

But Juma also occupies damaged corn and other rotten cereals. If you have corn or spoiled beans, you can always give it at ridiculous prices. Although he claims that he sells them to Hitler for the brewing of chang & aa and at Lutta for animal feed, no one has ever seen him make deliveries.

But every time you buy him corn, 20% of it is always spoiled, and if you grind your corn into flour without sorting it, get ready for a bitter tasting ugali! Even if you take your own corn to grind flour in his shop, flour from his bad corn will always make its way into your flour – upende usipende

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