Mystery throws the fate of translocated rhinos


The state of health of Caroline, an eight-year-old black rhino, who was asleep with a dart from a helicopter on June 26, blindfolded with a turquoise cloth ready for the seven-day trip hours at his new home,

Caroline was one of 14 rhinos who took refuge in the Tsavo East rhinoceros sanctuary.

Eight were from Nairobi National Park and six from Lake Nakuru National Park.

A source told The Star yesterday, under cover of anonymity, that seven of the rhinos were dead.

However, KWS interim managing director Julius Kimani told the Star that he did not have this information [19659002] "Take it from me, there is nothing Such, "he says

The relocation was to start in 2016 but the drought prevented the movement to dry Tsavo. Thanks to the rain, there is now a lot of food for Caroline and her friends.

Tourism and Wildlife CS Najib Balala initiated the translocation to the ivory burning site in Nairobi National Park.

M. Mulei Muia said that he was not aware of the deaths.

Transferring rhinos involves a lot of work. First, foot rangers identify the "candidate"

Then the veterinarians armed with tranquilizing darts fired at a helicopter

Once the animal sedated, the # The team is getting closer. Vital parameters are monitored to ensure rhinoceros survival.

The horn is then drilled and equipped with a microchip to monitor its movement in the sanctuary.

Another bullet and a transmitter with the details of the animal is adjusted elsewhere on the body

Then a cage came down from a truck and placed in front of the truck. ;animal. At this time, the animal wakes up

As sedation subsides, the groggy rhino moves quickly into the cage, which is attached. Then loaded by crane onto a truck.

Today there are 800 black rhinos and 500 white rhinos, CS Balala said. [ad_2]
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