Mzee tailor Kenyatta Parmar definitely bows :: Kenya


Dhanji Liladhar Parmar in his compound in Nakuru in May 2018: [Harun Wathari/Standard]

The philanthropist Dhanji Liladhar Parmar, who made the coats of President Jomo Kenyatta, died.

The news of his disappearance was made public by his daughter Simran Parmar, who said the family was shocked.


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"He was full of life yesterday (Sunday) We dined together and he was fine.This morning (yesterday) he got up early as usual but died a few minutes later, which is very painful for the family, "Simran said.

She describes Parmar as a loving father, who, despite his great age, still watches over his family and remains active.

His nephew Rakesh Prenji said that Mr. Parmar, 85, has collapsed in their house in front of the Nakuru State Lodge and was taken to the hospital. He was declared dead on arrival.

"He woke up around 7am and collapsed while taking a shower.The doctors told us that he had suffered a heart attack," Prenji said.

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In his message of condolence to the family, Nakuru governor Lee Kinyanjui describes Parmar as a true patriot, who is committed to serving the less privileged through his charitable work.

Extreme Patriotism

"Mzee Parmar showed the greatest patriotism and diligence.We will particularly remember his compbadion for the poor through the Lion's Club and participation in all celebrations of national holidays, even in years when his health was failing, "said Kinyanjui.

Parmar became famous in the late 1960s when he was in his early twenties after making President Jomo Kenyatta a leather jacket in his father's shop, then located on the street. Kenyatta Avenue of Nakuru.

The president, being his client, gave him a familiar name, making senior government officials in successive plans to request his services.

Other personalities who admired the president's jacket and sought his services include Isaiah Mathenge, former provincial commissioner of the Rift Valley, Mbiyu Koinange, minister of the government, and Kim Gatende, provincial engineer.

Kenyan of Asian descent also received the recognition of former President Daniel arap Moi, who awarded him a Mention of praise of the head of State in 1995 and the 39, has become a frequent visitor to State House.

The Nakuru District Commissioner of the time also appointed him Treasurer to the Celebration Committee, a position he held under the regimes of Past Presidents Kenyatta and Me.

His philanthropic works began after seeing and listening to the fate of the Nyakinyua dancers, a group of women who entertained Mzee Kenyatta when he was in Nakuru.

He helped their families through organizations such as the Nakuru Lions Club, the Association of the Physically Handicapped, the Hindu Council, the Indian Association, the Arap Moi Children's House and the Hill special school in the city of Nakuru.

He will also be remembered for the humanitarian aid that he offered to thousands of Asians expelled from Uganda by dictator Idi Amin, and to hundreds of displaced families. during the post-election violence of 2007-2008.

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