Ndegwa Root Cause Corruption Report


Until a report released and approved by Parliament in the 1970s was dropped, President Uhuru Kenyatta's campaign to rid Kenya of corruption will be a futile exercise.

His predecessors failed to tame him because the Duncan Ndegwa team recommended that public servants could do business to increase payroll.

The team headed by the former governor of the Central Bank, Ndegwa, charged with reviewing the conditions of service and salaries of civil servants did not take into account conflicts of interest. and provide for abuse of power. He prescribed the toxic dose that impoverished the majority and enriched the few privileged

Career officials, as well as political leaders, took advantage of the loophole to use their positions to scramble for inflated contracts on the part of the employer. Since then, most of the time official is devoted to promoting private companies of officials who are looking for ways to dig deeper bottomless pits to sink development budget allocations.

The scandal of the National Youth Service is one of those flaws. where public funds have been diverted. Senior officials face charges.

Similarly, annual budget allocations for health, education, and security are wasted or diverted to private pockets. An example is the big bank accounts held by junior policemen. These are the direct beneficiaries of Ndegwa's recommendations.

Parliament unanimously adopted the Ndegwa report, whose ramifications have left a mark of indelible corruption in the public and private sectors. Both struggle to survive the insatiable greed of dishonest employees.

Mbadive public support for President Kenyatta's war against high-profile corruption hangs over those who took advantage of the imprecision of the recommendation to enrich it

. The president's little-known is the fact that looters of public funds use ill-gotten money for political campaigns and donate it to the construction of schools, clinics and places of worship.

Most of the main guests in public office are either looters of public funds or beneficiaries who claim that they have made clean money through hard work. These bidders are the same people who are silently and actively fighting against the proposed lifestyle audit.

Civil servants are among the richest in Kenya today and would fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo. Authentic business people are excluded from government contracts unless they corrupt the people in authority to give them work.

The quest of the president and his lieutenants to rid Kenya of corrupt elements could treat the symptoms and not the root cause of corruption. undermined the integrity and efficiency of state agents. Corruption is an entrenched criminal enterprise that could, through its perpetrators, muster the courage to fight back.

The four pillars of the president and the Vision 2030 could become chimeras if the root cause of corruption is not questioned. The Building Bridges initiative is an appropriate platform to fight corruption and recover recovered money. Whistleblowers should be encouraged to unmask big fish and complicity should also be sanctioned.

Abandon the Ndegwa report and insist on the application of Chapter 6 of the Constitution on Leadership and Integrity, if not stop the campaign against corruption.

Freelance journalist

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