New Twist In Me Girls Viole Case As Blame Is Moved For Lesbians –


  Me Girls
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The rape case in Moi Girls High School took a new turn with reports indicating that rape might have been prompted by bad students .

Survey conducted by Kenya's Union of Teachers of Post-Primary Education revealed some inconsistencies in the rape incident after conducting interviews with the victim, comrades and workers from school.

According to KUPPET, the revelations of the students place a man in the dormitory. Their report was similar to school-based investigations that revealed girls were badaulted by bad clbadmates after rejecting their badual advances.

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The report also indicated that, contrary to previous reports, security cameras that found outside the dormitory did not show images of a man entering the premises

. There were only three possible entrances to which the dormitory could access, they did not understand why a rapist or a stranger using the roof could leave 100 girls on the first floor to find one on the ground floor where they were. also the toilet.

The official revealed that the girl was found in the bed of another girl and panicked as this was not allowed in the school. Later, she complained of pain in her bad area and started crying.

KUPPET believed that bads known to other students were behind the incident.

The school administration admitted that badism was imminent at school. it was only limited to some girls and not to any school.

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