Ngenia High School closed after the fire clears two dormitories – KBC


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<p><strong>  Ngenia High School in Limuru, Kiambu District, was closed indefinitely after the fire of two dormitories </strong></p>
<p>  Saturday night, while students watched football and suspected electric foul. </p>
<p>  Ngenia High School is the last school to be closed after a fire has occurred destroys two semi-permanent dormitories housing more than 300 students </p>
<p>  Police are reported to be examining CCTV images that will guide investigations into the incident. </p>
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Meanwhile, break news on your mobile., Nyahururu police are investigating another fire incident in this area, this time at Nyahururu Boys High School where a dormitory was set on fire Saturday night.

M More of 20 schools that have been closed are going through ys, three months to national exams

A section of the clergy now attributes the latest trend of agitation in schools on questionable family backgrounds.

Bishop David Kamau of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi wants parents to play a more proactive role in the education of their children by attributing societal vices among young people to neglect and too much freedom without limits .

Bishop Kamau said that children should be raised in an appropriate family atmosphere.

While she was in Gatundu, South, during the commission of more than 200 women to the Catholic Women's Association, Bishop Kamau said that bad habits in schools are caused by unpleasant family history


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