Nyayo House Cartels Fleecing Kenyans Pass Request


Kenyans have long complained of the frustrations felt during the acquisition of a pbadport

After applying online on the e-Citizen platform, a person who wants a pbadport must return to Nyayo House and complete the process

On paper, the process should take at least 10 working days to obtain the pbadport once the form is completed, but this is usually not the case

Investigations by Kenyans.co.ke revealed that one must separate at least Kshs.2.500 to have the crucial document processed and delivered.

A resident of Thika, Cleophas Kariuki (not his real name) said that he had applied for his pbadport in April and should have his pbadport two weeks since his official request. This was not the case because he made many unsuccessful follow-up visits to immigration.


" It is at this point that one of the officials approached me and I had to separate myself from Kshs.2000 processed pbadport. It took even longer after the person told me that she was having problems with printers, "he said on the phone.

The day he had to get the document, he had to part with another Kshs.500. to get his pbadport without having to queue for hours.

"In total, I paid 2,500 Ksh for the document," adding that another of his friends paid 4,000 Kshs to officials to get the pbadport. A report by the Nation shows how the bribe amount is shared among immigration officials.

One of the middlemen around Nyayo House tells an individual allied to the publication that the Kshs.2,500 "Out of that, Sh1,000 will be paid to the dispatch department where the record is, Sh1,000 will go to the officer at the immigration office, while the remaining Sh500 will go to the person who will deliver it to you, "reports the Nation .

Another Kenyan expressed frustration with the way she was caught in circles at the immigration office after she was identified as gullible.

Sharing a screenshot on Twitter, the user indicated that she was directed that her pbadport had been collected by an individual only identified as Joshua. By asking the counter why her pbadport was chosen by a stranger, she received a message.

" Sasa, pbadport yako ilichukuliwa jana ] na ] makosa Kujia hapa karibu na Sarova Hotel (Hello, your pbadport was mistakenly chosen at the Hotel Sarova) "read the text message.


When Contacted by Kenyans.co ke Ministry of the Interior Spokesperson Mwenda Njoka rejected reports as adding of" false news "that the Ministry had taken steps to solve the problems encountered in the Department of Immigration.

" The verification and registration of work permits that have taken place in the past two months make part of the exercise aimed at solving problems with the Department of Immigration. "It is strange that the history of Nation did not mention the positive aspects of the verification and registration of the work permit." He said at this writer

This is only one example of the corrupt operations within the Bureau of Immigration that have cost Kenyans additional costs to acquire crucial services

. and the coordination of the national government currently led by the SC Fred Matiang & # 39; i are at the top of the list of the most corrupt ministries.

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