OPANGA: Here's what we need to do to eradicate this absolute discrimination at SGR


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The men and women who fought for the independence of Kenya were people of integrity and character.

With rudimentary weapons in hand, hearts of lions in their minds and penetrated with a determination to succeed, they attacked Britain, an empire on which the sun never had to go to bed .

These men and women fought to be responsible for our resources and to get rid of the British. racism.

They took up arms and risked their lives and their integrity so that we could recover our dignity. They buried their noses in mud and undergrowth for our independence. In a word, they were mutilated and killed so that we could be free.

Alas, 55 years after independence; 55 years after the great and good of Kenya's freedom struggle has resolutely fought against the scourge of racism and put it in touch, the heirs of independence are hesitant about Chinese racism. The executive blames the victims of racism and indifference for not appreciating Chinese expertise.

Listen, Kenyans do not have the expertise of the men of the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) or its parent company China Communications and Construction Company but it is Kenya and Kenyans who are the owners of Standard Gauge Railway Operator and Operator (SGR)

Kenyans, through the Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC), recruit, supervise and pay the contractor or the CBRC. Kenya or Kenyans through their government (GoK) fund the RMS.

The government makes the funds available through the Ministry of Transport, which in turn transfers the funds to the KRC.

The money financed and continues to fund SGR has been loaned Kenyans by the Chinese. This is why Kenyans are the owners of the RMS and why the CRBC operates the railroad and its popular pbadenger line, Madaraka Express, and freight trains, on their behalf. Do you see the problem?

Blinded by the expertise, the government does not see that there is a problem when the operator of SGR is accused by citizens of practicing apartheid.

By this policy, they are separated from the Chinese in terms of travel, accommodation and toilets and discriminated against in terms of remuneration and conditions of service.

How can I tell the government not to turn a blind eye to this malice? Okonkwo in Things Fall Apart from Chinua Achebe asked: "If a man enters my house and defecates on the ground, do I close my eyes? No, I take a stick and break my head Okonkwo's stick has been replaced by local and international laws Local and global law prohibits racism and discrimination

But, as I pointed out last Sunday, if the # Executive does not want to take the Chinese to the RMS, so both Houses of Parliament must move to hold the executive power to account on behalf of the Kenyan people they represent and in whose interest they are watching over the executive The problem is that Parliament, like the executive before it, is clumsy

According to the secretary of the Cabinet of Transport, James Macharia, five parliamentary commissions wrote to the ministry for him ask to answer the same question.

As I have said last week, MPs and Senators need to create a special committee to find ways to uproot racism and discrimination at the RMS.

The secretaries of the Summoning Cabinet and the KRC bosses do not constitute an investigation. In any case, the executive has denied that there is racism in the RMS

Here is what an ad hoc parliamentary committee should do:

Hold meetings with the House of Commons media that broke the history of racism at RMS
SGR senior and junior staff separately from Mombasa to Narok;

Hold sessions with those who interviewed and qualified Chinese nationals for work permits; Interview with the Unions,
Interview with KRC junior and senior staff members, the ministry and finally, the respective cabinet secretaries;
To query the application and the adherence to Kenyan, Chinese and international law by the CBRC and the Kenyan entities; and
Presenting a Comprehensive Report for a Joint Discussion by Both Houses of Parliament

Arise, Houses of Parliament! Koitalel arap Samoei, Elijah Masinde and Dedan Kimathi turn, and turn, in their graves. If ethnicity could lead unrelenting enemies to the memorable handshake of March 9, racism should lead you to tell the Chinese to stuff their Renminbi.

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