Operation to flush out illegal aliens begins


The government under the Ministry of the Interior began an operation Tuesday to flush out foreigners who were working in Kenya illegally.

Mwenda Njoka spoke to Kenyans.co.ke of the spokesman of the Ministry of the Interior. that there would be no extension of the grace period adding that the aliens had had 60 days to check their work permit.

Echoing the sentiment, Gordon Kihalangwa senior secretary for immigration, claimed that the SP revealed that of the 34,550 foreign workers in the country, 26,552 had checked their work permits in a exercise that ended last week

. Kenya's 2011 Citizenship and Immigration Act, all persons against whom an eviction order has been issued must be expelled from Kenya within ninety days from the day The Immigration Department's decision is to establish a detention center at the points of entry and exit and in all other areas of immigration operations. which will be used for the detention of detainees. persons who have been ordered to be returned to their country under Article 26A of the Penal Code (Chapter 63), expelled under Article 43 hereof law, persons whose citizenship has not been established, deported in transit and persons refused entry pending removal and who are not under the responsibility of the carrier

. issued a 60-day ultimatum to all foreigners working in Kenya to regularize their permits.

Speaking at a meeting with the Committee on Parliamentary Security in Mombasa, the SC noted that unemployment levels in the country have been high since the jobs were occupied by foreigners.

"We have not cleaned up our systems on immigration.Our official records show that there are 34,000 foreigners working in Kenya.You and I know that this is not not true, the actual figure is probably over 100,000. This means that there are people doing work that Kenyans can do, going through the back door, "Matiang said.

Similarly, President Uhuru Kenyatta revealed that the authorities had discovered that unscrupulous people were abusing the system and taking advantage of Kenya's hospitality.

He revealed that the government had made the process difficult. # 39; acquisition of a more rigorous work permit to prevent people with bad intentions from entering the county.


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