Outside my chest: Only the wisdom of King Solomon can satisfy my daughter's curiosity



"Pap, where were the people from?" It was Sifa it was not so long ago.

She was stuck on television watching the science documentary "How the Universe Works" and me. She could almost hear shifts in her head as she tried to make sense of scientific jargon.

In fact, she was not the only one in all of this. I, too, could not understand how Karl Schwarzschild, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkins, could theorize the existence of Black Holes and their formation by the gravitational collapse of heavy stars. Or how new planets and moons could be formed from the impact resulting from the collision of existing planets with each other. For me, all this is gibberish.

But not with my nine-year-old hyperactive girl who thinks I know everything under the sun – because I'm dad. "Paps, watu walitoka wapi ? (Where were the people from?)"

I was wondering if I was like her.

Always relentless, no matter what she thought, she repeated the question, not wanting to let go of me so easily. 19659003] "As I am sure your Sunday teacher has already taught you, all human beings, and the whole world, were created by God," I said in a kind of tone of not to me ask a question. Too good that with Sifa, one answer has led to more questions.

"Lakini mwalimu shule alitwambia tuli-evolves monkeys. (But my teacher said we had evolved from monkeys)," she says.

Boom! And just like that, she'd squeezed me into a tight corner that required King Solomon's wisdom to free me from me.

"And yesterday I read in the book that you 've bought me that the world came in one shot.

My dear father, I have long wanted to ask this question. Did my siblings and I have many questions when we were kids? Or do we experience a new phenomenon with our children because of the digital age?

I did my best to explain to him that there are scientific and religious explanations of our existence. I knew, even when I was explaining the various thoughts, that I was walking on a very thin ice.

"According to the Christians, who we are," I began to pray internally to know what I was saying, "The whole universe was created by God." We believe that because that is what the Bible teaches as the Word of God In short, we believe in Creation

"On the other hand, scientists believe in the Big Bang. They believe that the beginning of the universe was the result of a big bang caused by the expansion of the elements about 13 billion years ago.

Whew, what a mess! From the way she stared at me, I was sure she thought I had gone to bananas and that my inconsistency was only the proof

"What are the elements and where do they come from?" She asked, "I did not say she's relentless!"

"D & # 39; okay, I think the most important to understand Sifa, is that there is a God and He created the universe. What we are taught in school about our origin and how the world came into being is secondary to what the Bible teaches us.

"Even if it is true that the world is the result of a big bang, then we must understand that the elements that caused the bang were created by God.

" All this who exists must have a creator. The clothes you wear have been made by someone. This house in which we live has been built by someone. This clock on the wall was designed by someone. In short, all that exists must have a designer behind. Do you understand what I am saying?

She nodded, but I could tell she still had billions of questions spinning furiously in her head. But I breathed I sigh with relief knowing that I was not there – until the next question …

Father, I still remember your answer many years ago when j & # 39; I asked why people were dying. You said, " Everyone comes from God, we are put here on earth by God so we can make it better." Death is more than a super highway when the work of God A person on the earth is finished. "

Your answer, even then, sounded hollow and left me only a lot of questions in mind.But, unlike your grandchildren, I was missing the backbone to demand an explanation that made sense.I wonder how you would deal with the insistent questions of Sifa or Amani and their demands for anything other than the absolute. 19659003] Children today do not hesitate to ask questions about everything and anything, they want to know why they have to go to school. Why daddy n & n No car like another child's dad.They want to know why girls and boys are physically different.It's the world we live in.

And dad, just when I thought I was safe and letting myself go, she unleashed the bombshell: "Paps, how does a baby get into mom's stomach?"

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