Patients detained at KNH on bills sleep on a cold floor


– Other documentary by this author

For three nights, Mr. Joseph Thatia sleeps under bed number 26 in the 6C district of Kenyatta National Hospital.

He left the orthopedic department on July 12, but he can not leave because he has a bill of 83,000 shillings.

Some of his fellow prisoners were fortunate enough to share a bed with other patients, but the unfortunate ones like Mr. Thatia sleep on the floor. or wait until dawn.

"All the beds are always occupied, for two days I slept under the bed on the floor, without even a blanket, and in this cold and rainy weather, I'm afraid we'll be seriously ill if nothing we are doing about our situation, "he said yesterday.

million. Thatia, a rider boda boda, was involved in an accident in May. the hospital by sympathizers.

After 17 weeks of treatment, he was released, but he can not leave. He spends time in the corridors with his fellow prisoners and seeks solace in the room at night.

On Monday, the doctors came into the room and asked those who had been released to go out, so that they could count the number of patients who were still receiving treatment.

"When we came back, our beds had new occupants, but we were not told where to go.At the same time, we can not leave the hospital because we do not have exit sheet, "said Mr. Thatia to the nation adding that 18 patients have gone out, but only eight have returned.We do not know where the others are 10.

Another person who suffers the same fate is Mr. David Munyao, who was released on June 21.

He has been expelled from the ward several times, but can not return home until his bill is paid. On Monday, he was thrown out of the room and said to look for another place to sleep.

"There is nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. Why can not they let us go home? They do not want us here anyway, "lamented Munyao, who was admitted to the hospital in January and owes Sh 347,000.

" I am the breadwinner. The longer I am detained here, the worse of the situation for my family. If they let me go, I'll be able to get back on my feet and start paying the bill, "says the former G4S employee.

Both are a representation of several cases of hospitals holding patients for failure to pay their bills. They are now calling the hospital to let them go home.

They are ready to sign written agreements on how to settle the bill with the hospital.

When he arrived to comment, KNH CEO Thomas Mutie said he was not aware of the cases. "We do not have patients, I have to investigate why they are still in the hospital."

Legal experts have already warned that detaining patients for medical expenses violates their rights and freedoms, but hospitals still continue this practice. Chatham House based in the UK noted that Kenya is one of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa where the practice is widespread.

"Detention of patients discourages the use of health care, increases impoverishment and is a denial of the right not to be imprisoned as a debtor and the right of access to medical care, "notes the study.

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