Police on the spot for extrajudicial executions as Kenyans celebrate the 28th day of Saba Saba ▷ Tuko.co.ke


– An Amnesty International report indicates that 214 people were killed by police in 2017

– August 2017 recorded the highest number of extrajudicial executions at 68

– In Kwale , residents accuse the police of having recently Kenyans marched to Kamkunji grounds in Nairobi chanting slogans condemning police killings

– They raised the issue of informal settlements that were targeted by police police brutality

On Saturday, July 7, 1990, a group of human rights activists, politicians and clerics gathered in Kamukunji, Nairobi, to protest rampant corruption and institutions in trouble in Kenya, where they encountered a horrific police facet

spotting extrajudicial executions

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In a KTN News report on Saturday, July 7, TUKO.co.ke saw tears flow freely like the body of Katana Kazungu 17 allegedly shot by police arrived in Tsangatsini village in Kwale County ready for burial.

"Extrajudicial executions are endemic despite clear avenues for dealing with the crime.The police shot and killed a standard seven-year-old student who was innocent and threw away the body that was found three days later. Director of Public Prosecutions and investigative bodies arrest and indict suspects urgently, "said Morris Dzoro, a commissioner of the National Commission for Cohesion and Integration

. Kenya in unclear circumstances

  Police on the spot for extrajudicial executions as Kenyans celebrate the 28th day Saba Saba

to protest high cases of police brutality. More than 400 kilometers away, Nairobi residents peacefully marched to the Kamukunji grounds with banners bearing the inscription "Stop the police killings" to protest the police brutality, especially in neighborhoods. informally across the country. The group of politicians, opinion leaders and young people from the social sphere called on the state to implement measures to counter the police attacks that have killed more than 500 people in the last five years .

According to an Amnesty International report, a human rights organization seen by TUKO.co.ke, 214 people were killed by police between January and Tuesday, October 31, 2017 with another 204 people murdered in 2016 and 141 others in 2015.

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According to the report, August 2017, a month was the month of General election recorded 68 deaths, the highest number of people killed by the police in a single month in the period.

Human rights activist Boniface Mwangi, former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, Nairobi Women's Representative Esther Pbadaris were among the leaders who joined other Kenyans to reiterate life

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of life dominated Twitter trend under the hashtag #SabaSabaMarchForOurLives.

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Raila Odinga is a project under Uhuru Kenyatta – Nazlin Umar Tuko TV

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