Raila should honor the burial of the late Senator Migori


The body of the late Senator Migori Ben Okello upon arrival on the runway of Migori. [Photo/Citizen]

Raila Odinga, leader of the Orange Democratic Movement, is expected to join other leaders at the burial of the late Senator Migori Ben Okello on Monday.

The body of the deceased senator was flown to Migori on Sunday before burial Monday. 19659003] The late senator will be buried at his home in Kanyimach Village in Rongo Subcounty.

His body was received by Governor Okoth Obado among other leaders at the Lichota landing strip in Migori County at 10am

The Migori County Stadium was visited by the public before going to his rural house in Kanyimach

. Oluoch succumbed to throat cancer on June 19 at the MP Shah Hospital in Nairobi

Before joining politics, he worked as a presenter at Ramogi FM of Royal Media Services and was known as "BOO wuod aliwa dogg jamondo" by his fans.

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