Raila's brain of Mau's inhuman expulsions, Rift deputies


Rift Valley Leadership Section Allied with Vice President William
Ruto said yesterday that Raila Odinga is orchestrating the current eviction.
settlers in the Mau forest to mine it.

Staunch Ruto Alligator and Senate Majority Leader Kipchumba Murkomen Claimed
Raila was working with anonymous government officials to scupper the MP
The offer of President 2022.

"There are people who have recently joined the government through the
backdoor and work with government officials to remove people from
Mau, "said Murkomen.

" In their memorandum that resulted in a peace agreement, one of the points of
expel people from Mau so that they create a wedge between settlers and
their leaders, "said Senator Elgeyo Marakwet

[en anglais]

[en anglais] [en anglais]

whose statement prompted a quick response from the National Assembly.
Mbadi who accused Murkomen of "doing things in order to protect
Ruto ".

"No one should take Murkomen seriously, he likes to do things.
tell him, as well as his boss, the DP, to deal with the issue. They are in
the government and the expulsion of Mau is their job, "said Mbadi, also the ODM party

Murkomen was talking to the expellees in Koitoben in the Melelo district, South Narok
riding, yesterday. He was accompanied by nine other members.

They included Senator Christopher Langat of Bomet, deputies Johana Ngeno
(Emurua Dikir), Liz Chelule (Nakuru County), Ronald Tonui (Bomet Central),
Beatrice Kones (East Bomet), Joyce Korir (Bomet County), Nelson Koech (Belgut),
Japhet Kiptergech (Buret) and Gideon Kosgey (Chepalungu). Also present
was Deputy Governor Bomet Hillary Barchok.

They asked the evictees to return to the forest.

"I do not want to hear anyone say that he was sent by the government.
to remove people from their farms. I speak on behalf of the government, "Murkomen

He promised that the government would provide victims with
materials so that they can return to the forest from today. "We will
come back soon to oversee the process of returning to your homes, "he said.

Related: Narok leaders oppose Mau's "cruel" evictions

Mau Forest, the largest water catchment area in the region, was
potato for years. In 2010, Ruto opposed Raila's efforts to restore
the forest, on the issue of alienating [Raila] most voters in the Rift Valley
in the general election of 2013.

Raila, then Prime Minister in charge of coordinating government functions,
had been instructed by a Cabinet resolution to lead the restoration of the
water castle.

Although critical for the survival of many rivers that support thousands of
upland livelihoods up to Lake Victoria, the Mau Forest has been
reduced to plots through settlements and free destruction supervised by
previous governments

In some areas of the Mau, thick forest has been replaced by meadows.
sprinkled with tree stumps or fields of wheat and corn. Full loads
charcoal and hardwood have left the forest for years.

In June, a government task force on
State of the Forests presented report to DP Ruto, revealing how much
logging had exhausted Kenya's forest cover. A moratorium on logging is in place. Last month, the government embarked
on a national tree planting exercise initiated by President Uhuru Kenyatta, but it seems
have fizzled.

Read also: The state targets 40,000 people in the second phase of the expulsions of Mau

Evictions are part of the recommendations of the task force, although politicians
have not been enthusiastic about its implementation, hitting rather the political capital
out of the disaster.

It remains to be seen whether the plan will be sacrificed at the altar of
policy. Yesterday, CS Environment Keriako Tobiko was provocative.

"We do not come back on this issue, it is important that those who play
politics with the Mau stop because their actions are not just killing human
beings; they also kill tourism and other economic activities that depend on
on the forest, "said Tobiko.

Murkomen said that the National Assembly and the Senate will convene tomorrow
Narok County Commissioner George Natembea on violation of human rights
the people of Mau.

"As leaders, we want to know where the commissioner drew the powers
"By expelling the settlers in an inhumane manner," said Murkomen.

He asked why the commissioner continued to deport people from their homes.
even after Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot and Bomet East MP Beatrice Kones
visited the region Wednesday, supposedly sent by the government.

"The law is clear that when you serve the citizens, you must respect
Murkomen said:

At a press briefing Monday, Natembea had warned politicians
against the politicization of the Mau question

"I will not be intimidated by these politicians, I will continue with this phase.
expulsions targeting 40 000 people, "he said.

However, the deputy of Belgut, Nelson Koech, said that settlers should remain
they have authentic land titles.

"If 2022 concerns Mau's problem, do not do it
"I will not expel the Mau Forest settlers if NASA wins the ballot," says Raila

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