Relief for besieged households as a cost of cornmeal, rice plunges


Food occupies the largest share (36%) of the basket of goods used to calculate the price. inflation

The price of unga, the staple of the country, dropped to a minimum of Sh92 on average, rising from a peak of Sh120 at the beginning of the year. year.

Some flour brands sell less than the Sh90 subsidy price with a two-kilogram package attracting Sh88

The price of corn flour had reached a maximum of Sh120 for a two-kilo pack after the end of the subsidy program supported by the government in January.

also decreased significantly Since December of last year, it has increased from 200 shillings per kilogram to 180 shillings in May, before settling in Sh130 at the country's main irrigation system. , in Mwea.

Rice is the second largest in the country after ugly. years. The consumption rate has increased by 10 percent annually and currently stands at 400,000 tons, according to state data.

The sharp rise in the cost of rice was caused by a drop in production following a prolonged drought that affected the Mwea irrigation system. provides 80 percent of the country's total production.

The country relies on imports to fill the gap. Kenya produces 150 000 tonnes a year, creating a deficit of 250 000 tonnes per year.

Last month, Kenya's National Bureau of Statistics reported that green maize recorded the largest decline of one quarter at 32 shillings per ear. at 147 shillings per kilo while Irish potatoes fell by 15 percent to 85 shillings per kilo.

Other food products whose prices went down include ripe bananas, papayas and corn kernels

across the roof last month after a crackdown by the government on illegal sugar.

The price peaked at Sh280 for a two kilogram package, before dropping this month to a minimum of Sh250 after supplying the sweetener

The price at the factory seems to have Also down with the sugar management, which said Friday that prices had dropped to 5,300 shillings, against 5,500 shillings.

"The ex-factory price was 5,300 shillings (last) week," said Solomon Odera's CEO in an interview to the Sunday Nation

The cost of wheat flour was also on the decline in recent days, following an increase in supply in the market.

Sh120 wheat flour price decline in May to an average of Sh115 as competition intensifies.

Last week, processors worried that an influx of cheap wheat from Tanzania was driving them off the market.

This is cheap flour imported from Egypt and Tanzania and sold as a local product, cheaper than kenyan wheat flour by bullet.

"Cheap flour enters the market in ever-increasing quantities, leaving Kenyan millers uncompetitive, and bakers and consumers opt for cheap flour as opposed to local flour because of the price difference. "said the millers last week.

The price of milk has remained low for a year. average of Sh50. However, processors have warned against the likelihood of an increase in costs resulting from a noted shortage.

Milk consumption in the formal sector fell by 10% in five months to May, with an additional reduction expected cold season

Kenya Dairy Board (KDB) data indicate that volumes decreased by 52 million from kilograms in April to 46.8 million kilograms in May.

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