Retirement scheme assets hit Sh1trn mark on NSE recovery


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Assets Held by Shredding Sh167.44 billion last year, for the first time crossing the Sh1 trillion mark on the market.

Pension schemes managed Sh1.08 trillion last December, 18.35 per cent more than Sh912.66 trillion trillion retired by the Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA).

The country's 19 fund managers and 11 approved issuers The remaining $ 2665 billion was internally managed by the National Social Security Fund, the statutory pension fund

. "The growth of the badets can be attributed to improved compliance," said the RBA in a statement.

About Sh394.19 bil gold lion 36.49 per cent of the badets were held in government securities followed by investments in immovable property valued at Sh226.72 trillion gold 20.99 per cent of the total pension industry portfolio

19.46 per cent of the total while Sh142.97 trillion was held in guaranteed funds, the statistics based on 1.271 scheme reports show.

NSSF consolidated its position as the largest pension scheme with Sh209.26 trillion gold 19.37 per cent of the industry badets last December, Sh40.77 billion more than a year earlier.

About Sh143.30 trillion of the NSSF funds were managed by its external fund managers such as Africa Asset Managers (Sh35.64 trillion), Stanlib Kenya (Sh27 .74 billion), Old Mutual (Sh26.72 billion), Britam (Sh27.26 billion) and ICEA Lion (Sh25.95 billion).

Sanlam Investments East Africa, formerly PineBridge, however, remained the largest fund manager for pension schemes with Sh182. 73 billion total badets up from Sh159.14 a year earlier.

Sanlam was followed by GENAfrica, which managed Sh153.17 billion, Stanlib Kenya (Sh134.72 billion), Old Mutual Kenya (Sh120.05 billion) and Britam ( The five fund managers watched over 651.33 billion, or 71.97 per cent, per cent of the total wealth of pension schemes, a growth of 9.52 per cent from 594.7 billion in December 2016.

" "RBA said."

"The plans are also expected to venture into investing in alternative badets clbades given

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