Return public land, Kibarani 'grabbers' told


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The Mombasa County government has been unknowingly and privately badigned to the country.

Kibarani is a prime area along the Mombasa-Nairobi highway within the Makupa Causeway.

It faces the Kenya Ports Authority headquarters in Mombasa, linking the island and mainland west.

The National Land Commission says private developers have been in the business of shipping to Mombasa.

The Governor Hbadan Joho-led government Tuesday urged private developers who benefited from the illegal allocations of public land to surrender it immediately.

"We are warning you, just come to us, go to the NLC or the Ministry of Land and surrender these tittle deeds because we are coming for them. We will go for much more than Kibarani because we must plan Mombasa better, failure to which we will face a crisis of lack of public utilities, "Land Executive Edward Dzila Nyale said.

Mr Nyale defended Mombasa Cement saying the firm is not A grantee of Kibarani land and sea grabbing or reclamation.

He said the acreage of the land keeps changing and he called for more time to conduct a survey on the land in contention.

"Ownership could not have been changed since Mombasa Cement is not part of companies that were awarded Kibarani land. We would [check] with the Ministry of Lands, but he added, "he added.

On Monday, the Parliamentary Committee on Environment and Natural Resources reported three firms. who "grabbed" and reclaimed the land in Kibarani.

"We are focusing on a whole creek in Kibarani," added the executive.

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