Riggleman Meets Dairy Farmers | New


Denver Riggleman, a Republican candidate in the 5th Congressional District of Virginia, did not know much about dairy farming, so he came to see Franklin County professionals to see how it works.

"My grandfather raised pigs and cattle. not for milk, "said Riggleman during a visit to Blackwater Bend Dairy at Rocky Mount on Saturday. "The only thing I knew about dairy products was when my father-in-law took me to the farm and we got whole milk because I love cream." 19659002] Riggleman visited two dairy farms on Saturday: Tim and Monica Bowman's Blackwater Bend Dairy, and the Loren Rhodes dairy farm in Ferrum – to learn more about the challenges facing dairy farmers in the region and the role of regulation to help or hurt their business.

are other things that take precedence here, "said Monica Bowman. "When they approached us, it was like an educational opportunity, not a political thing – it was for him to be on a dairy farm and see what it was all about."

The Bowmans Dairy Farm is a "Century Farm." The farm was founded in the early 1900s and became a dairy farm in the 1940s. Now, the fourth, fifth and sixth generations of the farm work side by side to continue operating despite lower milk prices.

"What we need to do is improve what we do and the dairy industry really gets smart about how to produce more milk in those margins, "said Tim Bowman to Riggleman." In 2016, we operated in the red four months out of 12. This year was the same way. "

Riggleman himself owns one small business, operating Silverback Distillery with his wife In Nelson County, he spoke with the Bowman family about his own experience of fighting for the survival of his company, including conflicts with the Environmental Protection Agency over phosphorus runoff during the construction of the distillery. , for which he said that he had to spend $ 40,000 for stormwater management. Once you see the regulation of bullying small businesses, you have to fight. I think that DNA is in everyone of us, whether you are an entrepreneur, an artist or a creator, "Riggleman said.

" When you start hearing these things in the 5th District , and on my own professional experience "

The Bowmans cited programs like the National School Lunch Program of the US Department of Agriculture as an example of regulation that harms their activities. Under the Obama administration, nutritional guidelines for school meals were changing to allow only the sale of 1% unflavoured milk, decreasing the demand for liquid milk in the country.

"So I can not have chocolate milk at school anymore?"

The Bowmans also spoke about the Right to Farm Act, a law designed to protect farms against the criminal proceedings brought by the neighboring residents and the developers concerning the "generation of noise, odors, dust", smoke and occasional conditions, "provided that the operations of the farmers" are carried out in accordance with the existing management practices and comply with existing Commonwealth laws and regulations. "

After a few hours on the farm, Riggleman left" Talking to dairy farmers, but even talking to restaurant owners and the application of the law, people want jobs, they want a secure economy, they want the government to stay out of their "They are at the base of the American dream."

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