Ruto Fortress puts his eyes on Uhuru for insurance :: Kenya


DP William Ruto and Isiolo County Rep. Rehema Jaldesa joins a dance when they arrived for a meeting at Omara Primary School in Isiolo.Pic County Charles Kimani DPPS

In Brief

  • The Deputy President's Camp Turns His Attention The PD did not visit central Kenya in two weeks and lawmakers of Mt Kenya did not accompany him to the north. is Friday

Vice President William Ruto was caught red-handed. Kenya's political debt matrix, which in the past has been characterized by complaints of treason and backstabbing.

Although Ruto attempted to end the political debt debate of voters in the Mount Kenya region because of the support that he and his base of the Rift Valley gave to President Uhuru Kenyatta in the last two elections , the debate is far from closed. . Some of his followers are still anxious.


Beware of the attempt to neutralize Ruto politically

Last Sunday, Ruto played an unusual role in the debate when he told an badembly that he owed no debt on the part of the residents of the Mount Kenya or any other region.

What debt?

The Vice President was apparently driven by requests from a section of the Rift Valley who had insisted that President Kenyatta publicly declare his support for their favorite successor once his term ended in 2022.

The debate on the automatic choice of the DP for the Mount Kenya voting bloc in 2022 was addressed by former Kiambu Governor William Kabogo and MP Kieni Kanini Kega when they declared, at different occasions, that Ruto should not expect a blind support. of the region. Former Senator named Paul Njoroge also cast the key when he made similar statements on the eve of the 2017 elections, winning the wrath of Jubilee and his supporters who denied him a ticket for the race to the post of governor of Nakuru. later Ruto, the fundamentals of his previous statement has grown to a point of a pop singer Kimani Wa Turacco composing a song to the effect that he and other residents of the Central Kenya had no political debt.

This debate ignites the tension that erupted in 2003 after President Kibaki's inauguration for his first term, amid rumors that Raila Odinga would have sacrificed his ambition in 2002 to give the opposition a chance to oust Kanu.

Debt debate is not unique to Ruto. Former Vice Presidents Kalonzo Musyoka and Musalia Mudavadi hoped to one day benefit from the support they had provided.

Kalonzo had hoped that Kibaki would reciprocate after supporting him after the controversial elections of 2007. Mudavadi was Uhuru's vice presidential candidate in 2002.


Making the control of the lifestyle open and transparent

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria has repeatedly stated that the only way to trust the Mount Kenya region is to provide their tacit support for Vice President in 2022. Rifts in Jubilee or a plot to torpedo Ruto's dreams, a joint meeting of lawmakers of Mount Kenya and the Rift Valley next week will have him as one of their main objectives.

"We are going to try to have a fraternal conversation, I am sure we will resolve the issues amicably and these differences will be settled in a friendly," said Cherangany MP Joshua Kutuny.

At the meeting, the 2022 issues and the need to have President Kenyatta will ensure that Rut's restless base of Uhuru's support will likely come.

Emerging Differences

This meeting takes place in the context of similar attempts to reconcile emerging differences between groups that appear to be divided over the fact that Ruto lent "political credit to Uhuru in 2013 and 2017".

Last month, Kalenjin MPs met at a Nairobi hotel and agreed to visit the Mount Kenya region but also to intensify their visits to other regions.
The resolution of the Rift Valley legislators need to find alternative support bases for Ruto.

During the 2017 campaigns, Uhuru and Ruto created the impression that there was a pact that after Uhuru had spent his two terms at State House, he handed over the key, the stick and support Mt Kenya to Ruto so that he can also reign Kenya until 2032. "Ruto should operate on an badumption that he will not get the court of the "Uhuru, it will help him to be politically safe as long as his quest is still valid, it seems to have come to this realization," said Dismas Mokua. , a political badyst.


Redesigned Cabinet

Change of Leam

According to a Rift Valley MP who asked for anonymity, the DP camp decided that in the future, they would put more interests in the coastal, western and northern regions -est, to replace central Kenya. . "We can not be unprepared when our colleagues tell us every day that we should not count on their support, we need to be creative and look for more reliable political friends," said the MP.

To illustrate the member's argument, Ruto, who has hardly missed visits to the Mt. Kenya region almost every week, has not been touring the area for two years. weeks. On Friday, Ruto addressed the Modogashe and Lagdera rallies along the Isiolo-Garissa border.

He was accompanied by the Majority Leader of the National Assembly, Aden Duale, Marsabit Governor, Mahamoud Ali, and Deputy Governor of Isiolo, Abdi Ibrahim, and a member of the National Assembly. crowd of local lawmakers. His presence among the legislators of Mount Kenya who accompanied him on his visits across the country was remarkably absent. Only the representative of Laikipia, Catherine Waruguru, was in Isiolo.

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