SBM finally takes over Chase Bank deposits :: Kenya


SBM will now undertake to change the brand, to put the systems back in order and to ensure that the books carried are clean. [Photo: Courtesy]

Employees and depositors of Chase Bank can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It is after the agreement that the State Bank of Mauritius took its badets was concluded. They can now mark the schedule and count 42 days to the date on which they will have access to some of their money and new jobs after the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) released the badet transfer yesterday.


CS Rotich opposes the agreement of the SBM-Chase Bank

"The acquisition and the taking effect will take effect on August 17, 2018", said the governor of the central bank, Dr. Patrick Njoroge.

SBM will now undertake to change the brand, to put the systems in order and to ensure that the transported books are clean.

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