Senate fines Governor Salim Mvurya Ksh200,000 to ignore the invocations


Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya was fined 200,000 shillings for failing to call a meeting of the Senate Committee on Public Accounts and Investment of the County


Senators asked for the governor's presence on a report prepared by the auditor general Edward Ouko .

Mvurya and 13 other governors are required to submit answers to audit questions raised Governor

The other governors required to appear before the committee are Mike Sonko (Nairobi), Hbadan Joho (Mombasa), Mwangi wa Iria (Murang & # 39; a), Cornel Rasanga (Siaya). ), Patrick Khaemba (Trans-Nzoïa), Moses Lenolkulal (Samburu) and Martin Wambora (Embu).

John Lonyangapuo ] (West Pokot), Granton Sambo ja (Taita-Taveta), Francis Kimemia (Nyandarua), Abdi Mahamud (Wajir), Mohamud Ali (Marsabit) and Ali Korane (Garissa) will also meet with the committee on various dates.

The committee launched its investigation into the issues reported Monday and is expected to continue as planned.

At the same time, the Secretary of the Interior Cabinet Fred Matiang & i and his counterpart of the environment Keriako Tobiko appeared before the ad hoc Senate Committee investigating the tragedy Solai Dam on May 9th.

"We recommended that the CS suspend national officials who" We do not understand how the county commissioner can be the one who issues payments on behalf of the owner of the dam while the same government is investigating the owners. of the dam, "observed President, Senator Makueni Mutula Kilonzo.


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