Seven in custody for economic crimes in Kenya Power – KBC


  Kenya Power
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<p><strong>  Seven of the 11 suspects wanted by the Criminal Investigation Branch on suspicion of economic crimes in Kenya Power are in police custody </strong></p>
<p>  Three of the suspects went to DCI headquarters while four of them, including former general manager Ben Chumo, were arrested on Saturday. </p>
<p>  Eleven current and former Kenyan officials Power were charged by the director of public prosecutions on a controversial call for tenders for the purchase of transformers that led to less than 310 million shillings. </p>
<p>  The eleven who include current general manager Ken Tarus should be brought to justice on Monday alongside five directors of Muwa Trading Company who won the bids and provided a number of defective transformers. </p>
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Nine senior executives led by MD Ken Tarus face charges regarding the awarding of bids to ghost companies owned by executives of the firm. electricity

. CEO Ben Chumo, Beatrice Meso the general manager in charge of corporate affairs and secretary of the company, Peter Mwicigi the director general of the regional coordination and John Ombui former general manager of the supply chain

Peter Mungai Kinuthia, General Manager Business Strategy, Joshua Mutua, General The Director of Commercial Services and Harun Karisa, Acting Director General, Finance, visited the DIC headquarters on Saturday night.

27 suspects who also include fictitious corporate directors are still on the loose with detectives from the DCI.

The Directorate called on all suspects to go to their headquarters.

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