Sh3bn Ruaraka ground was acquired in a hurry, CS Amina told the deputies in the probe


Amina Mohammed told the Senate Public Accounts and Investments Committee that due diligence and research should have been done prior to the purchase.

She said that an additional budget of 1.5 billion shillings was to be put into use for the forced acquisition of land.

"The additional 1.5 billion requested by the ministries was supported by legal fees.It clarified that the payment of the purchase of land for Ruaraka high school and the l & # 39; Drive-in elementary school had failed, but she stated that it was not unusual to request additional funding and have it regularized in a supplementary budget. 19659002] "It all depends on the need that arises, we will continue to ask for resources when there is a need, "she said

In June 2017, Education PS Belio Kipsang wrote a letter to the Treasury

In addition, the land agent Ruaraka became a witness to the 39th State

See also: The Swazuri land chief # must be accused of the Ruaraka land scandal

Kipsang also sought an opinion from the Attorney General o On November 13, the National Treasury wrote to the Ministry to read i give the power to spend 1.5 billion shillings in the forced acquisition of "The process began in December and the funds were reflected in the accounts of the National Land Commission (NLC) in January." [19659002] She added that it was the mandate of the commission to pay [TRADUCTION] "As soon as the money is transferred to the accounts of the CNL, I believe it is the power of the CNL to pay the complainant, "she added.

"Has the good process been followed, I think it will be left to your own judgment too?"

Amina stated that Kipsang also wrote a letter on July 19 to the NLC on the issue of land ownership, asking for the interests of the school to be protected, but there was never any response

million. Amina added that there was an appraisal report that had been commissioned by the NLC and that a different anchor had been valued at Sh $ 13.774 billion.

Amina stated that she had not taken any administrative action, because that would be premature is the proof that the law was violated. "

" Before we do anything, we must make sure that we live according to the law and practice good governance, "the CS told legislators.

" We do not think we we have all the information we need, "she said, shocked that the ministry did not have a respiratory system on all government-owned land, especially schools.]" I wanted to know how the schools are protected, we have made Nairobi a priority and I am sure that in a very short time we will be able to provide you with the school listings. Amina said she's optimistic that the process will be completed in the next 3 months, further asking all schools facing land ownership issues to provide information to help solve the problem.

Also read; Ruaraka: Mburu's house is attacked as the probe intensifies

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