SHAW: The purge of corruption has gained momentum, needs only lubrication, fueling


Curated by ROBERT SHAW
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The war on corruption is gaining momentum. And expectations have changed dramatically. Many who thought it was just another well-worn publicity stunt are now more convinced that it's going somewhere.

Even President Uhuru Kenyatta and others who initially encouraged the purge must be amazed at how she took her own pace.

It spreads from one scam to the other like a bush fire. Every day, another scandal is revealed. This fight started with NYS Part 2. Now it has wrapped Kenya Power, Kenya Pipeline, NCPB, National Irrigation Council (NIB), National Commission of Land and Irregular Imports of Sugar …. [19659004] A problem that should be in the The Ministry of Health has not provided any additional data on additional equipment provided, such as purchases, contracts and progress made.

The Galana Kulalu Irrigation Project, which generates several billion shillings, could do a lot more food in Kenya. -secure but is pursued by mismanagement and scams.

This million-acre NIB-managed program, which has the potential to produce 20 million bags of corn a year, has so far sunk more than 7 billion Sh.

What next? Kengen? What about the multitude of dams and other construction projects undertaken by various departments and county governments?

Corruption is one of the most insidious and ubiquitous diseases that eat away at the whole country and society and makes life more and more difficult for the majority of the population [19659011]. It is imperative to look seriously at what needs to be done next to continue, if not accelerate, this war against corruption. If we can reduce the vice significantly, its toll of reducing economic growth by two percent or more will be reduced accordingly.

Exposure is one thing; reducing it is a much more difficult task. The badembly of relevant evidence is vital. I have already argued that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has a capacity problem in the best of times. If this office is to compile leaky business in these numerous lawsuits, it must mbadively increase its capacity.

The task is impressive. The prosecution lined 43 witnesses in NYS II. It is starting to receive significant support in terms of capacity and skills from other governments, including the United States.

Its forensic investigation capacity needs to be strengthened by entities that have a good reputation in the field – such as the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Serious Crimes Office of R.

evidence that charges such as "receiving bribes" are proven and that convictions are obtained and that we avoid improper and improper function abuse.

Then there is a need for more prosecutors. The country has an overabundance of lawyers.

Why not exploit that? This not only solves another resource problem, but also utilizes our best legal brains for prosecution rather than for defense!

Another strategic strategy commonly used in some countries is to offer some suspects the opportunity to become witnesses. The consolidation of anti-corruption trials in Nairobi with high-profile cases in the High Court is a step in the right direction. But Chief Justice David Maraga must appoint a team of incorruptible and brilliant judges and magistrates to hear the cases.

Then the government should be clear on what the penalties for corruption are.

The Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Money Laundering Act, 2017 covers a large part of this area, but it must also be reviewed.

The overall goal is to increase the price of corruption. A silent suggestion is that badets twice the value of the amounts lost in corruption must be recovered from the convicted.

There are two extra arrows that should be added to the anti-corruption bow. The first is the need for an independent audit of all major projects.

At the same time, President Kenyatta's moratorium on new projects makes sense and should be respected.

Last, but not least, let 's leave the idea that the purge of graft is aimed at any person or entity.

It aims to make Kenya a cleaner and better country for all. If any of these defendants is badociated with President Kenyatta, his deputy William Ruto or, in fact, any other leader, then, as the first said, they should carry their own cross [19659026] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB .init ({appId: "174023979648743", xfbml :! 0, version: "v2.5")}; (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs)} (document, script, & # 39 ;, & # 39; ; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)); [ad_2]
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