Staff Involvement in Digital Security Management – The Exchange



KENYA, 25 JULY – The deployment of technology offers us many social and economic benefits. However, the digitization of many sectors of the economy involves a number of challenges and risks for our society.

The use of technology has created a situation where information on identity, property / property, financial transactions, medical history, employment, security, plans and strategies, among others, are now available on digital platforms

The fact that this information can be modified and even shared without the owner's permission is very worrying for all of us.

Fraudsters can dump bank accounts, attempt to alter property badets such as motor vehicles, change ratings in learning institutions, alter tax records among other things is just as scary.

For businesses, the challenge is even greater. bring down whole business systems with ease and for extended periods. The threats listed above explain the timeliness of the summit

This is the reason why experts from around the world recently converged in Nairobi for a summit on the theme of cyber defense in Africa ]

The summit was the largest cyber security gathering in the region with more than 750 experts in information technology and cybersecurity, including ministers, governors, commissioners, chiefs of intelligence and cyber security. 39, information and computer security officers. future needs of the region in cybersecurity.

Participants emphasized the need for global collaboration and harmonization of regulation (policies and laws) and information sharing since cyberspace does not have borders. The reduction of cybersecurity, they said, is a borderless war that requires a coordinated effort.

However, the main task of Africa is to develop cybersecurity skills and products and stop relying on imported products. What also emerges is that Africa should be bold enough to allow digital transformation.

Although cybersecurity is a global concern, Africa is currently home to some of the world's most dynamic economies, and the entire continent is ready for tremendous economic transformation. The belief is that cyber security breaches and attacks can slow down Africa's economic development, hence the need to immediately collaborate to address cyberattacks with the right people, processes, and technologies. .

We live in a society that can be considered technology dependent when the provision of essential services now depends on technology. It can be rightly observed that a major technological failure can render an institution helpless if the proper disaster recovery capability is not in place.

A report released by Serianu (computer services and business consulting firm) earlier this year referred to as "Africa Cyber ​​Security Report 2017," indicates that 90% of Africa's business is below normal Regarding cybersecurity.

The report further observes that "in 2017 alone, Africa lost more than $ 3.5 billion (Sh350 billion) in cyberattacks, an increase of 75 % from 2016.

According to these statistics, it is clear that cybercriminal attacks are on the rise, indicating that our concerted efforts are needed to reverse this trend and enhance the security of information and resources.

To address these issues, I believe it is important that institutions involve staff in the management of their digital security environment. heeded on his role to ensure the safety of the institution.

Participants also suggested that the creation of awareness and capacity building in Africa must be done through a common front. It is an investment that should not be overlooked.

Institutions should also invest in the continuous modernization of their technologies, both hardware and software. Being behind in this aspect exposes them more. The level of investment in system security should reflect the importance of this issue. The capacity of security professionals should be continuously improved.

In addition, close collaboration with other agencies is an important element. This ensures that investments in this area are shared, including research on emerging threats. Cyber ​​security training to lead the security of government institutions should be an option given the need to optimize the use of cybersecurity resources for governments.

We are aware that technology will continue to play an important role. to participate in the social and economic development of our continent and its people. Kenya Revenue Authority is committed to fighting cybercrime to effectively facilitate the mobilization of domestic resources as a key element in the country's transformation agenda

(Mr. Githii Mburu is the Commissioner of Intelligence and Strategic Operations, [email protected] )


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