State of union revealed in doses


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The opposition leader, Raila Odinga, is revered for choosing his messages. For four months, he kept close to his chest what his handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta entailed beyond the ambiguous story "uniting the county"

to the point that even a mixture of delegations – elders, politicians – Runners, and Al- he met to explain the surprise truce of March 9 have all left without any clarity on what it was about.

On Tuesday, however, Mr. Odinga seemed to let his guard down, first elaborate what motivated the meeting and, secondly, what is expected from the handshake with regard to the constitutional reforms.

The latter asked for answers as it was after President Uhuru Kenyatta said, during the funeral of former politician Kenneth Matiba

What has changed so that Mr. Odinga leaves his guard on an issue that he and the president have vowed to keep everyone guessing?

Some have sought answers from the opportunity – the opening of the hotel Makau Mutua to Kitui, and the company – his rival to the last two elections, Mr. Kalonzo Musyoka, and the Kitui governor, Charity Ngilu, a key proponent of The first explanation seemed intended to repair the barriers with Mr. Musyoka, who since Odinga's swearing in as "president of the people" on Jan. 30, was seeking A political vehicle with doubts The issues that need constitutional amendments have been identified in the nine-point agreement agreement that it has reached with President Kenyatta, but Kenyans will have the right to vote. opportunity to give their opinion on how the process

This second explanation appeared intended for his general support, which complains that Mr. Odinga betrayed them by entering the truce, thus abandoning He search "Canaan", a euphemism for a new Ken where democracy, the rule of law, equity and the people would bring prosperity to all.

million. Odinga said the nine-point agenda would be implemented by a team of 14 members.

"We agreed with President Kenyatta that if we can correct these constitutional deficiencies, we will have turned Kenya into a better place for future generations," Odinga said. .

The team, he added, would tour the country to obtain public opinions on the structure of government, electoral reforms and negative ethnicity.

"You will be asked how you want to be governed and how to improve the decentralization and distribution of wealth in this country.You will also give your opinion on the question of whether you want the executive structure to be such that it is or whether we should adopt a parliamentary system of government, or opt for a hybrid system, "he said, sections of his ODM party that the implementation of the handshake would take too much time and that benefits tangible could be discerned.

Although they are not new because they were raised by Senator Busia Amos Wako in April, it is said that one of the confidants of Mr. Odinga, Mr. Junet Mohamed, who was accompanying the opposition leader to the historic handshake at Harambee House in Nairobi. Daily Nation contacted him.

The main actors of the party of d & # 39; Orange remain reluctant or cautious to About the agreement, one of those legislators from the West region saying "all is not good". "

Party insiders told the daily Daily Nation that Mr. Wako's public sentiments reflected the collective fear that Mr. Odinga had signed the case with good intentions for the opposition by some politicians to Kenyatta's Jubilee, but Mr. Paul Mwangi, Odinga's personal lawyer, co-chairing the steering committee with Mr. Martin Kimani, said that the expectations of rapid deployment of the initiative were unrealistic.

not correct to say that four months is long, "said Mwangi.

"No serious deliberation can take place in a few weeks."

He added that political exchanges would not derail the initiative, and that the committee would name its first initiative, the details of which it did not reveal.

"Kenyans need these solutions, we can not say that because politics are going on, Kenyans do not care about corruption or ethnicity, they will continue to worry and will continue to ask for solutions, "said Mwangi.

ODM supporters were more concerned that Mr. Odinga had taken tangible steps to advance President Kenyatta's reciprocal handshake.

million. Odinga met with the committee in person and even convened a parliamentary group session to explain the agreement, unlike Mr. Kenyatta.

This inertia would have hindered the committee's progress, including its official launch and the long-awaited joint tours in both countries, which have been postponed.

Instead, ODM followers believe that President Kenyatta is eager on Mr. Odinga's understanding of the pact. On May 20, President Kenyatta said at a roundtable on manufacturing with the Private Sector Alliance at State House in Nairobi that he would not support calls for the amendment of the Constitution.

"This (the amendment of the Constitution) will not solve the problems we have, but will engage with the private sector in the manufacturing sector, as we will," said President Kenyatta

. Mr. Odinga said on Tuesday: "We have a good constitution, but it does not work, which is why President Kenyatta and I decided to come together to change what needs to be changed through the revision of the laws. "

David Murathe, Vice President of the Jubilee, said that it was" a little misunderstanding. "Reduce tribal animosity in the country and fight against the corruption, the key ingredients of the handshake pact

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