Take charge of the expulsions of the Mau Forest, Gideon told Uhuru :: Kenya


Senator Baringo Gideon Moi urged the government to ensure that evictions in the Mau Forest are humane.

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Speaking in the Triangle area, South Narok constituency yesterday, Gideon called on President Uhuru Kenyatta to take responsibility for the exercise.

Kanu's president also challenged national and county governments to rise to the occasion and save the lives and property of residents.

"The president should take charge and ensure that expulsions are carried out with humanity, the county government and national governments should rise to the occasion and take care of the citizens," he said.

The senator, accompanied by former Bomet governor, Isaac Ruto, and Kanu secretary general, Nick Salat, urged Rift Valley politicians to stop inciting residents against government conservation efforts. Subscribe to the standard SMS service and receive factual news and verified in real time. Text the word "NEWS" to 22840

He said that the people of Mau are law-abiding citizens and that none of them has gone beyond the cut line.

"The story revolves around the fact that you went beyond the cut line, but I realized that these are lies. There is no truth of the everything and nobody is beyond the line of cut.The collapse of homes and abuse can not and will not be tolerated, "he said.

Senator Baringo Gideon Moi (center) distributes food to the Maasai Mau evacuees in the Triangle area of ​​South Narok yesterday. He was flanked by former Bomet governor, Isaac Ruto. [Kipsang Joseph, Standard]

He said that they decided to engage the government on the Mau issue to make sure it was resolved for once and for all.

He added that residents who own title deeds should be respected as they were issued by the National Land Commission.


We remember Ruto for having preserved the water tower of Mau

Gideon, while addressing the residents, said that it was not for the purpose of closing the schools of the region while other students were learning in other parts of the country. Ruto called on Secretary of Cabinet Environment Keriako Tobiko to stop the evictions and solve the underlying problems. "Please, let us fend for ourselves so we can pick up an audience so that people can live in peace," Ruto said.

Salat warned the leaders against the politicization of the Mau issue and called for sober deliberations.

"If the government is interested in land, evicted people should be compensated," Salat said.

Gideon gave a variety of foods to families.

Sunday Standard saw thatched houses burnt in the village of Olapa. Officers from Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forestry and Rapid Deployment Unit have been deployed to the area.

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